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Sheldan's PAO Webinars


GAW82 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 82

When conflict and uncertainty
are all around, where shall we
find peace?

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
return to lead us out of anxiety
and despair toward
possibility and hope. With them
they bring the enduring love
and constancy of
Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings
whose discernment
and guidance our world so
badly needs.

During the Webinar, Laarkmaa
gives a spectacular update on
the coming year!

Subjects discussed:
• All Signs Indicate Our 3D World is
Quickly Shifting this Year
How We Can Best Prepare During These Accelerated Times
• Medical Breakthroughs:
An Opportunity for the Release of Long Suppressed Healing Technology
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with Disruption as Our Higher Vibrations are Being Aligned
• A Moment with Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation and What to Expect in 2025

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 19, 2025

GAWA-82 $13.95 U.S.

GAW81 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 81

Featuring Jared Rand

Peace or War? Jared Rand
joins us to shine a spotlight on
the absurd theatre
playing out in our world's
fragile and fluctuating reality.

So many of us, right now, are
confused and anxious,
despairing for our future.

Jared's calm and forthright
counsel clarifies our daunting
situation so that we can
surmount the fear and
transform it, for ourselves
and our world.

Subjects to be discussed:
Subjects to be discussed:
• Peace or War?
Analyzing the Theatre of Our Reality
• Coping with Chaos On
a Personal Level
Reconnecting to Our Life's Pathways
• Our Health System
A Shift from Big Pharma
to Natural Healing
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the human
civilization by increasing their
vibrational frequencies so they RISE
and assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves
or God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 15, 2024

GAWA-81 $13.95 U.S

GAW80 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 80

Journey to Truth host
Tyler Kiwala describes
his riveting experiences with
ETs and Inner Earth Beings,
and reveals his burning
passion for disclosure.

Tyler has probed the Area 51
controversy and shares his
findings with us. Get ready for
a mind-blowing galactic

Subjects to be discussed:
• ET Experiences
Disclosure Discussions
• Area 51: Underground Facility
Exploring the Mystery
• Inner Earth Worlds, Parallel
Realities & Shifting
Tyler's Experiences within these realms
• I'm Awake! Now What?
Examining Humanity's Future

Tyler Kiwala Image

About Brad:
Tyler Kiwala is an ET experiencer,
independent researcher and ardent
disclosure activist, He also co-hosts,
with Aaron Kuhn, the Journey to Truth
open-forum podcast to broadly
awaken people.

Tyler’s own awakening process began
with a levitation experience soon after
his mother’s passing, and culminated
in intense paralysis. along with a visit
from the ‘shadow people’. He has had
encounters with Inner Earth beings,
Sasquatch, Greys and Reptilians, and
been approached by covert
military agents.

Tyler is in the process of retrieving
suppressed memories from his
interactions with shadow

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 24, 2024

GAWA-80 $13.95 U.S.

GAW79 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 79

As 2024 races to its end, we
hurtle ever closer toward the
defining moment in our 3D
lives. But negative thoughts
and messages surround and
distract us, wrestling against
our innate yearning to ascend.
What are we to believe?
Where is truth?

In these times of unparalleled
information confusion, we
seek someone who can
strengthen our feelings of
personal clarity and rightness,
our sense of discernment.
These are the attributes that
link us to our higher selves.

Enter Sherri Divband, an
Intuitive Transformational
Energy Healer.

She teaches us ways to
elevate our vibrational
frequencies, intensify
our intuition and connect to
our higher consciousness.

In these fateful times, you can’t
afford to miss Sherri’s wise
and transformative counsel.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Starseeds & 3D Interference
Understanding Vibrational
Frequencies - 3D to 5D
• The Aramis Initiative
Guiding and Representing
New Earth children
• Timeline Convergence:
Exploring the Mysteries of
Parallel Timelines
• Connecting to Higher Consciousness
Methods of Strengthening Intuition

Sherri Divband Image

About Sherri:
Sherri Divband is an Intuitive Life
Transformational Healer.a modern-day
empath, and, through her Aramis
Creative Learning Centre and the
Aramis Collective, a pioneer in the
movement of restoring balance in
people. Sherri’s goal is to make the
world a better place, one person
at a time.

She believes that through the mind
and the power of our thoughts, we can
conquer life’s stresses and
uncertainties. More recently, Sherri
has focused her practice on New
Earth children and on the future of
education as Earth awakens
and ascends.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 27, 2024

GAWA-79 $13.95 U.S.

GAW78 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 78

Featuring Jared Rand

At this point in 2024, we are
caught up in a convergence
conundrum. The Year of the
Dragon has been wild indeed,
with yet more to come.
Planetary frequencies,
negative and positive, are
growing in intensity.
Many of us feel lost and
groundless. Are we in this
world,or somehow moving
beyond it?

Where do we go from here?

Just in time, Jared Rand
returns to answer our
questions, guide us out of this
3D labyrinth and lead us back
to the road we wish to travel.
In his backpack,
Jared carries fresh news of his
Celestial Chambers project,

As we approach year’s end, we
look back on the months past
and wonder what can
possibly come next? Will the
Year of the Dragon be the Year
of the Showdown too?

Subjects to be discussed:
• Convergence Conundrum
All Sides are Aggressively Vying
for Our Allegiance
• Our Growing State of Consciousness
How to Step Out of 3D Reality and its Shifting Frequencies
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• 2024 The Year of the Dragon
Heading Towards a Major Showdown

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the human
civilization by increasing their
vibrational frequencies so they RISE
and assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves
or God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 22, 2024

GAWA-78 $13.95 U.S

GAW77 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 77

Brad Olsen is a true-life
adventurer whose deep
research into ancient worlds
and esoteric knowledge
provides a road map for
our future.

Brad maintains that we are fully
capable of reversing
humanity’s downward spiral.
By embracing the very mystical
theories and arcane beliefs
that have been hidden
from us, we can move out of
slavery and toward Ascension.

Brad is a dynamic speaker and
PAO’s perfect guest for
August. He believes that truth
always resonates.

We invite you to listen to an
inspiring voice of hope!

Subjects to be discussed:
• Information Wars
What is the Endgame?
• UFOs and ETs
Is Disclosure Imminent?
• Suppressed Technologies
What Must Occur for Their Release
• Human Ascension
A Pivotal Moment in Time

Brad Olsen Image

About Brad:
Brad is an award-winning New Age
author, publisher and event presenter.
He Is a world traveler, and a
researcher into our planet’s history
and esoteric teachings. Brad is a truth
seeker and he is fully awake.

Over the years, Brad has amassed a
wealth of wisdom into 10 thought
-provoking books. On the page and in
person, he is a visionary, unafraid to
be curious, opening his audiences to
the limitless possibilities of blending
ancient mysteries with earthly
enlightenment, and Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 25, 2024

GAWA-77 $13.95 U.S.

GAW76 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 76

From the age of 2½, Margie
Kay has been aware of the
‘other worlds’ that exist
around us. She has spent her
whole life seeking and
learning about them. In the
process, she has accumulated
a breathtaking array of
experiences – and stories.

Through the course of a very
busy career, Margie has been
able to integrate her
use of remote viewing into
both criminal and paranormal
investigation. Deeply involved
in UFO research, she will share
some of the remote viewing
techniques she uses to
contact extraterrestrial beings,
and describe methods that
have led her to discover
inter-dimensional portals.
Margie possesses a profound
understanding of the nature
of time and will decode for us
some of its secrets. More
personally, Margie channels
Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus
and, since 1985, has been in
direct contact with Val Thor.

Subjects to be discussed:
• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People,
Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

Margie Kay Image

About Margie:
Hailing from Kansas City, Missouri –
a swirling hub of spiritual energy and
UFO sightings – Margie is deeply
involved in many areas of psychic
inquiry. She is an exceptionally skilled
remote viewer, as well as a highly
sought-after licensed private
investigator. As Assistant State
Director for the MUFON, she is heavily
committed to UFO research.

She is a publisher of the
paranormal and has written many
books of her own. A life-long
‘sensitive’, she teaches meditation, as
well as both energy and music healing,
and can communicate with spirit
guides and loved ones.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 21, 2024

GAWA-76 $13.95 U.S.

GAW75 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 75

Can you imagine crossing a
threshold out of our own
troubled surface world and
stepping down, deep down,
into the serenity and wonder
of Inner Earth?

Meet Lowell Johnson, who has
done just that.

He has stood in the city of
Telos, met the Lemurians,
walked among them and
learned from them. Now he
returns, with direct knowledge
of how we can re-connect with
these most advanced spiritual
Beings, who are our brothers
and sisters.

He shares their Inner Earth
wisdom, and explains how the
awakening of our DNA can
liberate us to become beings
of higher consciousness.

We are excited and honored to
welcome Lowell, a guest new
to PAO, to hear his timely and
captivating tales of Telos and learn how we can be beneficiaries of its
citizens’ Lemurian wisdom.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Inner Earth Origins
The Lemurians
• The City of Telos
Its Different Levels and Inhabitants
• Earth Changes
How Gaia is Shifting to Get
Humanity's Attention
• DNA Awakening to Become
Beings of Light
Can Inner Earth Beings Help Us Now?

Lowell Johnson Image

About Lowell:
Lowell Johnson was an executive for
many years but he had always
yearned to explore spirituality. In 2015
a life-changing mini-stroke initiated
his quest for truth.

Five years later, in July 2020, seeking
audience with the Ascended Masters,
Lowell visited Mount Shasta. Until
then, he was unaware that the
Lemurians, an ancient and advanced
society, lived within the mountain in
their city of Telos.

As Lowell rested from his climb, a
portal appeared in the mountain. A tall,
blonde Lemurian named Alex greeted
him and took him on a tour of Telos.
Total harmony exists in Telos; animals
are sentient and there is no fear
or aggression.

The wonder of encountering these
peaceful beings, so much beyond our
experience or historical memory,
triggered such a profound awakening
in Lowell that he knew he had to share
it with the world.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 23, 2024

GAWA-75 $13.95 U.S.

GAW74 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 74

Featuring Jared Rand

We stand at the dawn of a new
era. Despite what it may seem,
we are closer than ever to
attaining the life of truth, hope
and glory we envisioned all
along. More and more people
are waking up, standing up,
and actively fighting for
the world we all know is
meant to be.

No longer can we accept what
this world has become: the
skyrocketing costs and
empty shelves; elevated
environmental toxicities; and
seemingly endless conflicts
that erode and poison every
level of life. More to the point,
our frequency upgrades are
making us hypersensitive, and
life here is becoming
intolerable. We are forced to
wonder if we have actually
reached the point of no return.

Jared Rand. PAO’s guest for
this month, begs to differ. He
arrives, bearing a much
welcome arsenal of wisdom
and a heaping dose of the
comforting common sense
we most need right now.
Despair is never an option and
Jared’s wise words will ignite
a chain reaction to negate and reverse the toxins that
contaminate our existence.

And of course, no PAO Webinar
would be complete without the
latest exciting update
on Jared’s Celestial
Chambers project. 

Better times lie ahead, says
Jared. Patience and courage
are the keys. With every
sunset, the newer, better,
golden dawn comes a little
closer. Soon, it will be here.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Information Wars
Decisive Changes to Combat Tyranny
• Our Toxic Environment
Ways We Can Minimize the Risks
• Cosmic Growing Pains
How to Deal with Intensified Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Raising Hope with Evidence, not Empty Promises
A Thoughtful Glimpse into Humanity's Likely Future

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the human civilization by increasing their vibrational frequencies so they RISE and assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves
or God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 26, 2024

GAWA-74 $13.95 U.S.

GAW73 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 73

Right now, the world is in
upheaval and humanity is
riding an emotional roller
coaster. Bombarded by both
mainstream and alternative
media, we find it difficult to
ascertain truth from lies, and
ricochet between despair and
unsubstantiated hope.
At this epochal moment in
history, when spiritual
discernment is most crucial,
our quest for higher
consciousness is being
sorely tested.

But, blinkered by the narrow
outlook of our planet’s
darkness, we cannot see
the wider view. We are fighting
in the dark. For that broader
perspective PAO turns to Pia
Orleane and Cullen Smith, who,
with the aid of Laarkmaa,
those all-wise Pleiadean
beings, can give us their
wisdom on our present
3D dilemma.

Planetary change is inevitable,
even here.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Accelerated Consciousness
Evaluating Our Conscious Position
at the Present Moment
• Patience and Meaningful Actions
Are We Simply Waiting to be Rescued?
What We Can Do Right Now to
Actively Help the Cause
• Dealing with Life in 3D Today
How to Cope In the Material 3D World
While We Prepare for a Reality Shift
• A Moment with Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's
Current Situation

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 21, 2024

GAWA-73 $13.95 U.S.

GAW72 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 72

Lori is a passionate ‘bringer of
the light’ whose ‘non-physical’
sources give her accurate
information and insights about
these troubled times. An
experienced and receptive
energy healer, Lori explains
how we can transmute the dark
intensity and turbulence of
these times, transforming them
into a more peaceful alignment
with the soul’s divine agenda.

Within us, we each carry DNA
strands that hold Sacred Key
Codes. DNA activator Lori
discusses how these Codes
can awaken our greatest
potential and align us with the
best & highest version of our
spectacular and infinite self.

Finally, for those of you who
have pets. Lori, a skilled
animal communicator, reveals
her secrets for connecting
with animals, whom she
lovingly calls energy sponges.

Subjects to be discussed:
• DNA Activation - Live Energy Healing
Star Code Marking
• Manifesting Your Dream Life
Be the Best Version of Yourself
• Pets are Like Energy Sponges
They are Our Soulmates
• The Key to Your Massive
Transformation In 2024 and Beyond
Aligning with Your Soul’s
True Divine Agenda

Lori Spagna Image

About Lori:
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher,
Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional
Channel, Intuitive, Animal
Communicator, Energy Healer,
Lightworker, Visionary and Luminary
who assists others to awaken to their
alignment with the true Divine Source
which exists within each and every
being so that all beings can live their
best life ever.

For over 20 years, Lori has
transformed the lives of thousands of
humans and animals via her
Channeled Ascension Guidance,
Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and
Animal Communication and
Telepathy. She provides Ascension
Training and Support, Sacred Energy
Healing Transmissions, Dormant DNA
Activations and Sacred Key Code and
Star Code Marking Activations for
humans and animals.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 24, 2024

GAWA-72 $13.95 U.S.

GAW71 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 71

Ted Mahr, gifted psychic,
remote viewer and time
traveler, hosts the immensely
popular radio show ‘Out of This
World’, This time, he returns
to share a lively Webinar and
offer his thoughts – and those
of his spiritual advisors –
on issues both Gaian and

Ted says we are “at a
crossroads in human history”,
between ascension and

Will there be a Third World
War? And would the Galactics
be able to assist us? Are
enough of us awake to power
a significant enough shift and
change the direction
of the world? According to
Ted, “as the Earth ascends into
the higher dimensions,
the ability to talk to the other
side and benevolent
Extraterrestrials will become
even more important”

And so he will bring support
and encouragement from
those who forever watch over
us, and from those who once
trod this earth as we do now.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Galactic Alliance
Ted's Galactic Contacts
• Zorra from Hollow Earth
Ted's Inner Earth Contact
• No More Wars
The Quest for World Peace
• Time Travel and the New Earth
A Glimpse into Humanity's Future
What Great Leaders from the
Past Have to Say

Ted Mahr Image

About Ted:
Ted Mahr’s spiritual journey began in 1994 when his foster mother, Teri, introduced him to the ‘other side’. In freeing him to explore his true talents, she pointed Ted in the direction of an extraordinary and focused life quest. For years he explored, learning about the higher dimensions, and the secrets of life beneath, above and around us, On top of all his other accomplishments, he is a
gifted psychic.

Now, he is the thoughtful and congenial host of the popular podcast ‘Out of This World’, Armed with a multi-faceted awareness, Ted
shares his knowledge with an expanding circle of informed and
well-known guests.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 25, 2024

GAWA-71 $13.95 U.S.

GAW70 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 70

Featuring Jared Rand

January 1, 2024, augurs a year
like no other, when blatant
world corruption is to be
exposed to the point where
even the most deeply asleep
will be jolted into awakening.

The year begins with such
uncertainty, so many
unknowns, that we can’t help
but wonder what exactly we
are celebrating. Jared, his
finger firmly on the pulse of
humanity's future, cuts through
the fears and doubts to let us
know what the universe truly
has in store for us, and where
we are really headed.

Celestial Chambers – always a
favorite topic of discussion:
Jared gives us a progress
report. Is 2024 to be the
breakthrough year for this
desperately needed

Jared and our PAO team usher
in the first of a sparkling new
year of Webinars that will
embolden and inspire your
every step through 2024.
Bubbling over with Jared’s
unique information and
insights, courage and heart,
it could answer the biggest
question of all: Will this be the
Year of the Showdown?

Subjects to be discussed:
• Our Desperate Need for Certainty
The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Expectations
• Creating Division Among Us
Breaking Away from Taking Sides
• Reclaiming Our Missions
Reconnecting to Our Life's Pathways
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Worldwide Showdown in 2024
Is this the Year to Break the
Corrupt•System with
Landmark Changes?

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the human civilization by increasing their vibrational frequencies so they RISE and assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves
or God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 21, 2024

GAWA-70 $13.95 U.S.

GAW69 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 69

Right now, we stand poised at
a tipping point in history,
teetering between the
Great Reset and the Great
Awakening. Uncertainties
abound, and they are daunting.
To help us meet our situation
with clear-eyed courage and
confidence, PAO welcomes
back Laura Eisenhower as
our guest for this
year-end Webinar.

With a multitude of sources
and an encyclopedic
awareness of the esoteric,
paranormal and mystical forces
guiding our planet, Laura
explains the reasons
for our unprecedented and
intensifying levels of world
chaos. She will share her
comprehensive knowledge of
astrology’s predictive art and
explain its merit in determining
current and future events.

This Webinar is so pivotal that
we think it will be the Webinar
of 2023. As this chaotic year
ends, Laura will use all her
skills and resources to peer
into the looming unknown and
forewarn, inspire and empower
us to face the perilous
and uncertain months to come.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Laura Updates Us on Her
Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Clarifying How the Globalist Agenda
Can be Reversed
• Reverse-Engineered, Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology
Explaining How this Troubling Technology has Subverted Our World
• An Astrological Look at Today's World
How Astrology is Affecting Our
Present and Future
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Able to Mentor Us
and GAIA

Laura Eisenhower Image

About Laura
Laura Eisenhower is a Global
Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical
and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an
internationally-acclaimed speaker
who has presented her work around
the world. The great-granddaughter
of U.S. President Dwight David
Eisenhower, Laura reveals exopolitical
information about his administration that has been largely kept secret.

With access to technologies, plans
and truths that can restore our planet, she is connected to many who already
are actively working on preventing
Global Crisis and manifesting all the
necessary changes. Laura strives to
steer our creativity toward causes and
projects that inspire our utmost
transformation. She provides us with
the crucial insights that will serve as
beacons in our transition into an Age
of Awakening and Galactic Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 17, 2023

GAWA-69 $13.95 U.S.

GAW68 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 68

At last! Vidya Frazier, one of
our favorites, returns as PAO’s
November Live Webinar guest.
(We like to think of her as our
‘galactic therapist’.)
And, after an absence of
almost two years, Vidya has
much to tell us.

Vidya believes that we were
meant to be here, now. It is our
job – our destiny – to deal with
whatever comes, to help uplift
our planet and ourselves.

The struggle of negotiating the
wilderness of modern
existence, of managing
relentless stress and finding
balance in our lives, has
reached an all-time high.
Vidya – alert, awake and aware
– brings both tough love and
comfort a-plenty.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Your Old Identity is Disappearing
You are More Powerful than You Know
• Coping with Our Transition
from 3D to 5D
We are Living in Two Realities
• The Magic of Gratitude
A Potent Way to Raise Your Vibration
• Realizing What You’re Offering to the
World Helping to Usher in a New Age

Vidya Frazier

About Vidya:
As an author, energy healer,
and licensed transpersonal
psychotherapist, Vidya has had
a passion for exploring the
phenomenon called the spiritual
for over 50 years. Along with
experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as
those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. In addition, over the years, she has studied with
spiritual teachers from both western
and eastern traditions and learned
about spiritual journeys from
those perspectives.

The present focus in her work is
helping people to see the spiritual
nature of the “transitional” times we
are currently living in –– times of
shifting to the dramatically-higher
frequency known as the
Fifth Dimension.

She has published five books
about this Shift:
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Ascension: Embracing the Transformation
• Triumph of the Light
• The Ascension Lightworker Guide

• Living Free in 5D

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 26, 2023

GAWA-68 $13.95 U.S.

GAW67 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 67

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always
generous in sharing his vast
knowledge of Tachyon energy
and Tachyon chambers, which
contain extraordinary powers
to heal and harmonize our
physical and etheric bodies.
Tachyon energy enlivens
the energy matrix that shapes
all matter – including our
mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn
contributing immensely to our
overall physical health and

Dr. Joe answers our questions
and offers his personal
perspective on the many
levels of spiritual healing, as
well as the importance of
DNA activation to our health
and wellness.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s
Current Focus
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
• Tachyon Energy Chambers: Benefits
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chamber Locations

About Dr. Joe:
Dr. Joseph McNamara was born and
raised in Ireland. After graduating
medical school, he moved to the
United States, drawn there by what he
felt was the most open-minded and
exciting culture in the world.

In the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia,
he practiced medicine for over 20
years as a physician. He started in
Emergency Care, shifted to Family
Medicine, and then felt called to open
his own practice. He named it Cara an
Anam, which is Gaelic for
“Friend of the Soul.”

In 2012, he began working with the
Earth-Keeper organization, which
aligned with his spiritual interests. As
part of the leadership of Earth-Keeper
tours he shared his knowledge of
ancient Celtic lore.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 22, 2023

GAWA-67 $13.95 U.S.

GAW66 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 66

Featuring Jared Rand

Like many of you who are our
loyal PAO followers, we are
seeking answers as our planet
seems to crumble before our
very eyes. Around the world,
wildfires and their toxic smoke
have been incorporated into
the ‘climate change’ agenda,
and are threatening the
homes, health and well-being
of millions. Nations are
teetering on the brink of war.
Costs of living are
skyrocketing, fuelling more
uncertainties. Meanwhile,
heightened frequencies make
our already intense ascension
journeys even more arduous.

Boy, do we need a recharge!
For that, we turn again to one
of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared
Rand, who knits together the
strands of our doubts and
gives us coherent information
and good old-fashioned
common sense.

This month, we posed some
direct and probing questions
that get to the heart of our
present situation. And, as
ever, we asked him for
an update on the
progress of his miraculous
Celestial Chamber project.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Combating the 3D Dark Agenda
Using 3D Strategies to Overcome
the Dark’s Plan
• Climate Change Deception
Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and
Worldwide Firestorms
• Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups
Taking Action Instead of Waiting
to Be Rescued
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• A Fresh Look at Timelines
Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity!

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 24, 2023

GAWA-66 $13.95 U.S.

GAW65 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 65

Awake and aware, Ted hosts
the tremendously popular
podcast ‘Out of This World’. He
is a gifted psychic, and well-
versed in time travel and
remote viewing. He regularly
presents a many-sided
awareness of humanity and
the higher – and highest –
dimensions – to his regular
podcast listeners.
Now, we are lucky to have him
share it with us!

You can look forward to
Ted’s tantalizing tidings from
the Galactics, as well as his
intriguing thoughts on where
he feels this world is now,
and where she – and
we – are heading.

This month, Ted Mahr, host,
becomes Ted Mahr,
interviewee, as Colleen and
Miles, fresh from his ‘Out of
This World’ chairs, sit down
with him to share his
experiences,his perspectives,
and his wisdom.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Ted Brings Us Up to Date on his
Mission’s Current Focus
• Galactic Connections
Tuning in to Our Friends from Space
• Time Travel
Unraveling the Future
• Technological Disclosure
Timelines and Methods for Releasing
Suppressed Technology
• Humanity's Destiny
Where We Stand Now and Where
We are Headed

Ted Mahr Image

About Ted:
Ted Mahr’s spiritual journey began in 1994 when his foster mother, Teri, introduced him to the ‘other side’. In freeing him to explore his true talents, she pointed Ted in the direction of an extraordinary and focused life quest. For years he explored, learning about the higher dimensions, and the secrets of life beneath, above and around us, On top of all his other accomplishments, he is a
gifted psychic.

Now, he is the thoughtful and congenial host of the popular podcast ‘Out of This World’, Armed with a multi-faceted awareness, Ted
shares his knowledge with an expanding circle of informed and
well-known guests.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 27, 2023

GAWA-65 $13.95 U.S.

GAW64 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 64

'Ascension is an inside job'

That's the mantra of Kornelia
Stephanie, PAO's special guest
for July. Over the past months,
Colleen and I have appeared
several times as webcast
guests on The Kornelia
Stephanie Show. Now, in a
perfect trade-off, she returns
the favor, and we are
delighted to welcome her!

Kornelia, a gifted mentor,
speaker, author and guide,
offers simple, commonsense
tools to embrace our humanity
and further us along our paths
to self-healing, spiritual peace
and a better world.

If you're finding the glut of
mainstream 'way too
depressing and oppressive',
you'll find Kornelia as bracing
as sips of ice water on a hot
day. Her thoughts are
absolutely activational: how,
even in difficult times, we can
reclaim our personal
sovereignty, and how vital it is
for each one of us to be able
to express our authentic
selves - clearly, safely and

Subjects to be discussed:
• Kornelia Brings Us Up to Date on her
Mission’s Current Focus
• Ascension Is An Inside Job
Activating New Consciousness by Connecting with Source
• Heart Logic vs Head Logic
Finding the Best Balance
• Creative Light Vibration
The Power of the Spoken Word to Speak Our New World Into Being
• My Life is My Art ~ I Am Divine Creativity
Expressing Your Authentic Self, Courageously and Fearlessly
• My Core Value is freedom
Living Our Lives Beyond the Core Wounds of Our Past

Kornelia Stephanie Image

About Kornelia:
Kornelia is a teacher, speaker, author
and guide whose lifework is to liberate
us from the shackles of our past and
empower our discovery of the glowing
possibilities for a better future. Her
mantra: ‘Ascension is an inside job’.
Kornelia is master in the myriad arts
of living and a practical spiritualist
who realizes the need for a constant
interplay between self and spirit as
they journey toward a higher state of
joint perfection. Kornelia teaches us
the value of a peaceful outer life,
balanced by a strong and
loving inner spirit.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 23, 2023

GAWA-64 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 63

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
return to discuss the dilemmas
of our time. They tackle the
issue of 5G and other alarming
environmental perils, and
give us practical ways to cope.
They also address the Great
Split between the awake and
those who are not; and explain
how we can create a
comfortable living space in
their midst.

As we approach Ascension, we
notice our growing intolerance
to thingsof this world. We are
becoming allergic to the 3D
environment, which rapidlyis
becoming as alien to us as we
are to it. Pia and Cullen
describe how and why this is
happening and suggest ways
we can manage the ‘condition’.

Buttressed by the wisdom of
Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer
a refreshing and revitalizing
perspective that will open our
eyes and minds to the larger
truths that harmonize the
cosmos, of which we all
are a part.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on
their Mission’s Current Focus
• Time Acceleration
Why Each Day is Whizzing By
• Feeling the Great Split
Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed
• Environmental Effects On Humans
Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with the Aligning of
Our Higher Vibrations
• Laarkmaa's Update On Our
Evolutionary Progress
Pia and Cullen Share a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 25, 2023

GAWA-63 $13.95 U.S.

GAW62 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 62

Featuring Jared Rand

Just as our spirits begin to
relax into some kind of
‘normal’ after the reign
of pandemic terror, we are
noticing the upsurge of dire
and dogged voices warning
about climate change. Can this
be the newest ‘Covid’?
Is global warming a clear and
present danger, or is this yet
another psychological
terror attack against us? Jared
clears away the webs of
uncertainty, and puts our
situation in context with his
usual clarity.

In the meantime, the rocketing
cost of living haunts our days
and shatters any plans for the
future. We yearn for the long-
promised abundance program
to manifest. How much longer
must we wait for debt
forgiveness? Jared is keen
to tell us.

And, realizing our need to
know, Jared gives us a
detailed progress report on
the Celestial Chambers

It is a rare treat to have Jared
back. We welcome him in
anticipation of the information
and wise counsel, common
sense and kindly comfort he
consistently provides.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His
Mission’s Current Focus
• A Revised Globalist Agenda
Shifting from Pandemic to
Climate Modification
• Reassessing Abundance
Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery
• Celestial Chambers Progress Report
• The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos
in Our World Humanity’s
Rapidly Awakening

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 21, 2023

GAWA-62 $13.95 U.S.

GAW61 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 61

We were first made aware of
our cosmic connections when
Sheldan Nidle introduced
us to the Galactic realm and
his experiences as an ET
contactee. From that time, we
have yearned to renew that
direct Starseed connection
that he awakened in us.

Enter Debbie Solaris, ET
contactee, galactic historian
and inter-dimensional traveler.
A relative ‘late bloomer’, she
has packed a great many
exciting experiences into her
spiritual life. From the time she
found herself on an Arcturian
mothership, she has been
‘awake and aware’ and keen to
spread the word about our
cosmic legacy and future.

We are delighted for you to
meet Debbie, yet another new
guest to PAO and a fitting
proponent of Sheldan. Busy on
her current home turf as a
teacher in Colorado, she has
so much to share with us, from
our roots inscribed in the
Akashic Records, to our true
otherworldly selves, to our
divine existence in the all-
encompassing megacosmos.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Debbie Shares her story about
her first contact with ETs
She Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Connecting with Your Star Family
Understanding Our Starseed
Nature and Origins
• Blue Rays and Indigos
Who they are and why they are here
• Raising Your Vibration
Awakening Our Divine Selves
• Humanity's Cosmic Destiny
Heading Towards Higher Consciousness

Debbie Solaris

About Debbie:
Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee,
interdimensional traveler, and galactic
historian. After a fateful
extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, Debbie awakened
to her true star lineage and higher calling. Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records,
she has been receiving downloads of
galactic historical information and
universal spiritual knowledge ever
since. She feels it’s a big part of her
mission while here on Earth to help
awaken others to their own true Divine
selves and cosmic origins.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 23, 2023

GAWA-61 $13.95 U.S.

GAW60 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 60

Why are we here?
A perfectly natural question
that many of us have asked
ourselves,especially in light of
events of the past three years.

The answer lies in the Akashic
Records, a complete account
of all lifetimes on earth
dating from the beginning of
physical Creation.
A cornerstone of our soul
growth,the Akashic Records
describe every detail of our
pasts, while providing
an indispensable guide into
our next lives.

We at PAO are delighted to
welcome a brand-new guest,
Lisa Barnett, to our monthly
Webinars. Lisa is a renowned
healer and founder of the
Akashic School of Wisdom, and
we are very honored to have
her with us.

An almost inexhaustible
source of Akashic lore, Lisa
discusses the Records’
relevance to our own times. Unique in her ability to connect
us with these annals, Lisa
clarifies the ways in which we
can access our individual
Akashic Records.

Subjects to be discussed:
• What are Akashic Records?
• Connecting with Your Own Masters,
Teachers and Beings of Light
• Accessing Past Lives
• Ways of Clearing Karma
• Understanding One's Life Plan

Lisa Barnett image

About Lisa:
Lisa Barnett is an internationally-
recognized author, teacher and
Spiritual healer with 30 years’

In the mid-90s, she was summoned by
the Akashic Masters who wished to
share their personal insights into her
life and those of her clients. By 2005,
she was totally immersed in the
Akashic realm. Lisa had begun a most
astonishing journey!

Out of this life-affirming experience
emerged the Akashic Knowing School
of Wisdom, which brings the gifts of
ancient Akashic clarity and healing to
a wider audience.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 26, 2023

GAWA-60 $13.95 U.S.


GAW59 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 59

In this Webinar, Ismael
discusses the Earth Alliance –
who they are, how they are
counteracting the effects of
weather engineering on our
world, and what they are doing
to move us toward a new world
planetary structure.

He also discusses the future of
governments, as well as the
presence of benevolent
beings on Earth and how they
are protecting the ‘God
Connection’ in us all.

For those of you who miss
Sheldan’s updates, you will
find this Webinar blazing with
information, clarity of thought,
and Ismael’s characteristic
comforting realism. He knows,
as do we all, that the Light will
win this battle. 

Subjects to be discussed:
• Benevolent Beings vs Dark Beings
• Weather Events and Geo-Engineering
• Earth Alliance
• Reprogramming Ourselves to
Prepare for Timelines
• Coming New World Structure

Ismael Perez Image

About Ismael:
Ismael’s first awareness of his
ancient powers came when, as a
young child, he began to use
telekinesis. As the years passed, he
grew to understand his true life
purpose as a Divine Starseed from the
Lyra Constellation. Among his gifts is
an ability to channel celestial
downloads from distant star systems
and multi-dimensions. A galactic
historian who teaches Starseed
Cosmology, he has written a recently
-published book entitled Our Cosmic
Origin, about humanity’s
extraterrestrial ancestry and Gaia’s
coming Golden Age.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 19, 2023

GAWA-59 $13.95 U.S.

GAW58 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 58

After far too long an absence,
we welcome back broadcaster
and writer Patricia Cori. She
guides us on a fresh and
captivating journey through
our human DNA history, and
examines the effect it exerts
upon our higher

Patricia is an acknowledged
authority on spirituality, a
meta-physician and
clear clairvoyant and
channeler. As Scribe to the
Sirian High Council, she
was privy to a wealth of
information that she shares
with us today. Our current
reality is to accelerate its
creation of new and higher
levels of awareness, which, in
turn, will usher us away from
Gaia's present turmoil into a
state of enlightenment
and spiritual joy.

As an extra special bonus,
Patricia presents a brief
summaryof her new best
-selling book,
Hacking the God Code

Subjects to be discussed:
• Patricia Updates Us on
Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Crop Circles
Sirian Connection Experiences
• Our Human DNA History
Reclaiming Our DNA
• 3D-4D-5D
Inter-dimensional Time
Occurrences and Our Karma
• Cosmic Phenomena
How They are Affecting Us
• Hacking the God Code
The Conspiracy To Steal
The Human Soul

Patricia Cori Image

About Patricia:
In July 1996, an incredible out-of-body
journey catapulted Patricia Cori
through the Milky Way and other
galaxies, re-connecting her to a group
of sixth-dimensional Light Beings
whom she came to know as the Sirian
High Council. As Scribe to the sixth
-dimensional Sirian Light Emissaries,
she became acquainted with their
transformative insights, which she
shares in her books and teachings.

Patricia, who has been referred to as
a ‘grounded spiritualist,’ is an
internationally-acclaimed author,
thought leader and freedom fighter.
She has published thirteen books, now
re-issued at reasonable prices, in 22
foreign languages. Her most recent
book was released September 30 of
last year and is already a best-seller.
Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul
is a clarion call to humankind to
awaken and take up their true
leadership role for the preservation of
our magnificent Planet Earth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 22, 2023

GAWA-58 $13.95 U.S.

GAW57 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 57

In PAO’s August Webinar,
Jared Rand told us that, based
on solid information
sources, humanity would be
reaching a turning point,
beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates,
unrelenting misinformation
intensifies, as well as
the number of extreme events
occurring around the world.

Accordingly, we felt it
imperative to bring Jared back
to help us understand,
as no one else can, what we
can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he gives us an
update on the progress of his
Celestial Chamber Project.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared Updates Us on His
Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election
Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Social Consequences
Coping with Chaos On a Personal Level
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency
Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and
Harmony on Earth

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 18, 2022

GAWA-57 $13.95 U.S.

GAW56 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 56

Right now, we stand at a
crucial point in history, locked
in the throes of a Great
Awakening. Uncertainties are
all around, and they are daunting. To help us confront
our situation with clear-eyed
courage and confidence,
PAO welcomes back
Laura Eisenhower, great
granddaughter of Dwight D.
Eisenhower, our guest
this month.

Armed with an exceptional
awareness of the esoteric,
paranormal and mystical forces
that guide our planet, Laura
explains the reasons we are
experiencing such levels
of world chaos. And how we,
the awakened, are an integral
part of the process,
shifting ourselves and Gaia
towards a conclusive and more
empowering reality.

We are rapidly converging
upon perhaps the most
defining moment in the history
of our world. Laura can mentor
and mobilize us to a growing
mindfulness, supporting the
sacred within us all, defending
planetary peace and harmony,
and turning on Gaia’s lights of
freedom and aspiration
throughout the universe.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Laura Updates Us on Her
Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Examining the Effects that Shifting
Events will Have on an
Awakening Society
• Releasing Connections To, and
Dependency On, the False Matrix
Reclaiming Our Sovereignty with an
Alchemical Marriage/Sacred
Union from Within
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Watching Over
Us and GAIA
• An Astrological View of
Our Current World:
How Astrology Affects Our Present
and Future

Laura Eisenhower Image

About Laura
Laura Eisenhower is a Global
Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical
and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an
internationally-acclaimed speaker
who has presented her work around
the world. The great-granddaughter
of U.S. President Dwight David
Eisenhower, Laura reveals exopolitical
information about his administration that has been largely kept secret.

With access to technologies, plans
and truths that can restore our planet, she is connected to many who already
are actively working on preventing
Global Crisis and manifesting all the
necessary changes. Laura strives to
steer our creativity toward causes and
projects that inspire our utmost
transformation. She provides us with
the crucial insights that will serve as
beacons in our transition into an Age
of Awakening and Galactic Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 20, 2022

GAWA-56 $13.95 U.S.

GAW55 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 55

We are citizens of the world,
but we are also cosmic
citizens. Planetary change
is inevitable. The Light is in the
final stages of its war against
the dark. And the universe
is with us in our struggle
for freedom.

Into this upheaval, Pia Orleane
and Cullen Smith return. They
bring Laarkmaa, those eminent
Beings from the Pleiades, who
will tell us how the Light is
winning. The peace and
constancy of their presence,
always instructive, always
reassuring, will help us to
re-assess our roles and
re-align our resolve for the
coming showdown.

What an opportunity – to shake
off our fears and melt into the
revitalizing embrace of entities
who feel with us in these
difficult times, and wish to
guide us to the higher destiny
for which we were meant.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen Update Us on Their
Mission’s Current Focus
• How is the Light Winning the War
Against the Dark?
• Separating the Awakened from
the Unawakened
• Re-evaluating Our Personal Missions
• How are Frequency Upgrades Affecting us?
• Laarkmaa outlines Humanity's
Current Situation
and What Lies in Store for Our Future

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 23, 2022

GAWA-55 $13.95 U.S.

GAW54 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 54

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains
memories of a war waged in
our galaxy eons ago. For many
years he has been receiving
galactic and cosmic
intelligence. Inevitably,
Ismael’s messages remind us
of those Sheldan received
from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic
ambassadors incarnated in the
here and now, his mission is
to help restore Gaia to her
rightful place in the galactic
community. He is the author
of a recent book, Our Cosmic
Origin, which took him ten
years to write.

Ismael answers many of our
urgent questions about
Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and,
especially, our FUTURE

Subjects to be discussed:
• About Ismael
How he became a cosmic ambassador
• Our Cosmic Past
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why
we are still in 3D
• Our Cosmic Present
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our
existing system
• Our Cosmic Future
An explanation of how and
when we will evolve
to a higher level of consciousness

Ismael Perez Image

About Ismael:
Ismael’s first awareness of his
ancient powers came when, as a
young child, he began to use
telekinesis. As the years passed, he
grew to understand his true life
purpose as a Divine Starseed from the
Lyra Constellation. Among his gifts is
an ability to channel celestial
downloads from distant star systems
and multi-dimensions. A galactic
historian who teaches Starseed
Cosmology, he has written a recently
-published book entitled Our Cosmic
Origin, about humanity’s
extraterrestrial ancestry and Gaia’s
coming Golden Age.

Webinar Date:
Saturday, September 24, 2022

GAWA-54 $13.95 U.S.

GAW53 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 53

It’s August and
Jared Rand is back!

Jared called the other day
and urgently requested
an invitation to be our PAO
guest this month.

He told us he has a message
about Earth’s imminent future
that PAO followers need to
hear as soon as possible.

You know that Jared doesn’t
joke about the future. When he
says he has important news,
we should listen intently.

Could humanity be at
a turning point?

Jared Updates Us
on the Future of:

• Our Political Systems
Changes Necessary to Combat Tyranny
• The Abundance Program
How, and When, a New System
will Come About
• Our Health System
A Shift from Big Pharma
to Natural Healing
• Celestial Chambers Progress Report
• Where Humanity isHeading Spiritually
A New Earth

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 21, 2022

GAWA-53 $13.95 U.S.

GAW52 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 52

Dr. Joseph McNamara
shares his vast knowledge of
the extraordinary healing
effect of Tachyon energy and
chambers. Tachyon energy
harmonizes and enlivens
the energy matrix that shapes
all matter and, in particular, our
mental, emotional, etheric and
physical bodies. All of which, of
course, has far-reaching
effects upon our physical
health and well-being.

As an added bonus, Dr. Joe will
introduce us to the exciting
new Light Mandala technology.

Dr. Joe answers our questions
and gives us his personal
perspective on the
multiple limitless levels of
spiritual healing and the
thrilling future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s
Current Focus
• Tachyon Energy Chambers And Light
Mandala Laser Technology
• Power of Meditation to
Activate Soul Healing
• Importance of Nutrition to Help Healing
• Questing for Fifth Dimensional

About Joseph:
Joseph McNamara was born and raised in Ireland. After graduating medical school, he moved to the United States, drawn there by what he felt was the most open-minded and exciting culture in the world.

In the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, he practiced medicine for over 20 years as a physician. He started in Emergency Care, shifted to Family Medicine, and then felt called to open his own practice. He named it Cara an Anam, which is Gaelic for
“Friend of the Soul.”

In 2012, he began working with the Earth-Keeper organization, which aligned with his spiritual interests. As part of the leadership of Earth-Keeper tours he shared his knowledge of ancient Celtic lore.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 24, 2022

GAWA-52 $13.95 U.S.

GAW51 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 51

Now, in our 51st Webinar, PAO
is coming back to its roots.

Not since Sheldan himself
shared his contact
experiences have we
had a guest so in tune with
PAO’s beginning and beliefs.
Glenn arrives with a wealth of
evidence about ETs on Earth
and inthe universe. He shares
his own unique UFO
experiences, and those of
countless others,with us.

Enjoying an active
involvement in contact history
for most of his lifetime,
Glenn champions the accuracy
and truth of higher-
consciousness visitors to
our planet.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Glenn Shares His Mission’s
Current Focus
• George Adamski, UFO Historian
A Brief Look at Adamski’s
Disclosure Contributions
• Disclosure Cover-ups
Conspiracy Theories and Ridiculing
of Sightings
• Alien Bases on the Moon
Exposing the Myth Behind
the ‘Dead Moon’
• Cosmic Hoax Fear-Mongering
Creating Xenophobia Concerning a
False Flag UFO Invasion
• Advanced ETs with Higher Consciousness
Dark ETs vs Benevolent ETs - A Look
Towards our Galactic Future

Glenn Steckling Image

About Glenn:
Since 1991, Glenn has been Director of
the George Adamski Foundation, one
of the oldest & longest-standing UFO
organizations. It was founded by his
father, Fred, a close associate of
George Adamski, the pioneer in early
UFO contactee research, and now contains more than 60 years' worth
of documentation.

Actively involved for most of his
lifetime, Glenn is deeply concerned
with preventing the distortion,
revisionism and cover-up of UFO
history and facts. He has dedicated his
entire life to maintaining the integrity
and accuracy of UFO archives, and to
using a growing wealth of evidence,
including first-hand sightings, to
educate the public about the truth of
Gaia’s higher-consciousness visitors.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 26, 2022

GAWA-51 $13.95 U.S.

GAW50 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 50

Celebrating Our
50th Webinar!
Who better to help us
celebrate than one of PAO’s
most engaging and popular
guests, Jared Rand!

Jared discusses how our world
is moving ahead through the
necessary stages
that will lead us all to better
times. He will tell us how his
Celestial Chamber Project
is progressing, and explain
how the Deep State’s fortress
is rapidly – and inevitably
– about to collapse like a
house of cards. 

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared Updates Us On
His Mission’s Current Focus
• Our World in Transition
Flowing with the Winds of Change
• Information Narratives
A Double-Edged Sword
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• Awakening to Ascension
Exploring the Process of Accelerating our Timelines

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 22, 2022

GAWA-50 $13.95 U.S.

GAW49 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 49

Right now, we who are awake
are mired in an age of
uncertainty. Truths we have
built our lives upon are being
questioned, discarded and
replaced. Many of us feel
groundless and long for a
foothold in stability.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
return to lead us out of anxiety
and despair toward
possibility and hope. With them
they bring the enduring love
and constancy of Laarkmaa,
the Pleiadian beings whose
discernment and guidance our
world so badly needs.

What a wonderful opportunity
to shake off our fears and
embrace the wisdom and
serenity of the higher Beings
whose energies are so close
to our own.

During the Webinar Laarkmaa
gives us a spectacular update!

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen Update Us On Their
Mission’s Current Focus
• Being Awake: How to
Maintain Positivity
Dealing with Constant Distractions and
Narratives that Divide Humanity
• Major Increase In Solar Flare
Activity Its Effect on Us
• Pineal Gland: Connecting to
Higher Consciousness
How to Keep It Healthy
• Laarkmaa Explains the
Multiverse Attraction
Pitfalls of Falsely Creating Our Avatars
• An Update from Laarkmaa
Spiritual Lessons We are Meant to
Learn in This Historical Moment

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 24, 2022

GAWA-49 $13.95 U.S.

GAW48 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 48

Lori Spagna returns, sharing
again a wealth of knowledge
about DNA strands and the
Sacred Key Codes lying within
– Codes that unlock the
greater purpose for our
presence here during these
epochal times.

And, in response to your
repeated requests, Lori
reveals more of the wisdom
she has gathered about
animals and our pets. Our pets
have shared the past two
upsetting years with us.
In many ways, they have
suffered, visibly and invisibly,
as well. Lori reveals how we
can heal them at the same time
we heal ourselves.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Lori Updates Us On Her Mission’s
Current Focus
• DNA Activation: Sacred Key Codes
Aligning with Our Role in the Divine Plan
• The Pandemic: The Deeper
Reason Behind It
How Humanity Can Return to a
State Of Normalcy
• Pets: Animal Communication
Sacred Healing - Animals, Our
World and Ascension
• Humanity's Destiny: Awakening to
Our Greater Purpose
A Collective Trajectory for Humanity

Lori Ann Spagna

About Lori:
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher,
Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional
Channel, Intuitive, Animal
Communicator, Energy Healer,
Lightworker, Visionary and Luminary
who assists others to awaken to their
alignment with the true Divine Source
which exists within each and every
being so that all beings can live their
best life ever.

For over 20 years, Lori has
transformed the lives of thousands of
humans and animals via her
Channeled Ascension Guidance,
Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and
Animal Communication and
Telepathy. She provides Ascension
Training and Support, Sacred Energy
Healing Transmissions, Dormant DNA
Activations and Sacred Key Code and
Star Code Marking Activations for
humans and animals.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 27, 2022

GAWA-48 $13.95 U.S.

GAW47 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 47

As we pause to assess the
battle scars inflicted by more
than two years of lockdowns
and restrictions, we sense
that, finally, a Great Awakening
is underway.Inspiring signs of
change – of cooperative
interaction, of liberty, of the
overpowering yearning for
freedom – are everywhere,
most compellingly in the
trucker convoys springing up
all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of
flow and cohesion, at play right
now that taps into our deepest
humanity and, at the same
time, our freest, most liberated
spirit. Love connects us all. We
are one, and we know it!

In this Valentine month of love
and connection, who better to
articulate its activational mood
and offer her wise counsel
than PAO’s guest of the month,
Vidya Frazier. She shares her
wisdom and shows us how to
create a more 5D reality in our
day-to-day lives.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Vidya Updates Us On Her
Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift
is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace No Matter What!
Bringing JOY Back Into Your Life!

Vidya Frazier

About Vidya:
As an author, energy healer,
and licensed transpersonal
psychotherapist, Vidya has had
a passion for exploring the
phenomenon called the spiritual
for over 50 years. Along with
experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as
those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. In addition, over the years, she has studied with
spiritual teachers from both western
and eastern traditions and learned
about spiritual journeys from those

The present focus in her work is
helping people to see the spiritual
nature of the “transitional” times we
are currently living in –– times of
shifting to the dramatically-higher
frequency known as the
Fifth Dimension.

She has published four books
about this Shift:
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Ascension: Embracing the Transformation
• Triumph of the Light
• The Ascension Lightworker Guide

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 20, 2022

GAWA-47 $13.95 U.S.

GAW46 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 46

Imagine you were abducted by
ETs, thrust into a dystopian
environment, probed and
prodded, then, abruptly,
returned home with only a hazy
memory of the experience.
How could you deal with the
aftermath of such an
encounter and regain any
shred of the life you knew?

PAO’s Webinar guest for this
month is the extraordinary
Barbara Lamb,
hypnotherapist, regression
therapist and renowned crop
circle researcher. For 30 years,
Barbara has hypnotically
regressed more than 2,400
people, recording compelling
details of their encounters
with extraterrestrial and inter-
dimensional beings.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Barbara's Mission
• UFOs - ET Contact - Walk-ins
• Galactic Humans and Hybrids
• Extraterrestrial Regressions
• Significance of Crop Circles
• Humanity's Galactic Future

Barbara Lamb Image

About Barbara
Barbara Lamb – Psychotherapist,
Hypnotherapist and Regression
Therapist – has spent the last three
decades hypnotically regressing,
counseling and supporting more than
2,400 people, documenting their
encounters with extraterrestrial and
inter-dimensional beings. After being
told by an ET that contact would be
hers for the asking, she did just that –
she asked – and, since 1994, has
had several encounters with
different beings.

For her work with ET experiencers,
she has won Lifetime Achievement
Awards. She has led experiencer
support groups at major conferences.
She has trained hypnotherapists,
spoken at conferences around the
world, done countless interviews. With
such encyclopedic expertise, Barbara
has lots to share! Barbara Lamb is the
author of four books:

• Crop Circles Revealed
• Alien Experiences
• Meet the Hybrids
• Kids’ Adventures with ET
Friends in Space

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 23, 2022

GAWA-46 $13.95 U.S.

GAW45 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 45

The Power of Two
After last month’s Webinar,
you, PAO’s loyal listeners,
cried out for more.
Yes, Dr. Scott Werner’s
galactic-based health wisdom
ignited such a flame of
response that we had to bring
him back. And, because
December is the season for
Festivals of Light
to brighten lives and spirits
around the globe, we’re
adding an extra favor by
inviting Dr. Joseph McNamara,
Tachyon Chamber healer
extraordinaire, to join him.

Two powerhouse doctors –
double dynamos, combining
dual reservoirs of deep
knowledge, energy and
wisdom join Colleen and Miles
in a riveting roundtable that
you will enjoy now and
remember in the weeks
to come. 

Subjects to be discussed:
• Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Update Us On
Their Missions’ Current Focuses
• Tuning In to Beings in Higher Realms.
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe share their
Galactic Connections
• Explaining Multiple Levels of Spiritual
HealingAccessing Your Higher
Levels of Healing
• Update on Tachyon Chambers
Their Long-Term Benefits
• Ways to End the Global Health Crisis
Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe Share
Their Insights

Scott Werner

About Dr. Scott:
Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease"
is a combination of too much toxicity
and not enough bodily nutrition,
coupled with negative emotions that
deplete our health. He has a very
spiritual understanding of the
approach to wellness. Having worked
extensively with world-class healer,
Katherine Beck, he has mastered a
wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner

About Dr, Joe:
Joseph McNamara was born and
raised in Ireland. After graduating
medical school, he moved to the
United States, drawn there by what he
felt was the most open-minded and
exciting culture in the world.
Practicing in Virginia, Dr. Joe shares
his comprehensive knowledge
of Tachyons, which possess an
extraordinary healing and
harmonizing effect.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 19, 2021

GAWA-45 $13.95 U.S.

GAW44 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 44

In the nick of time, Dr. Scott
Werner returns, bringing
information and insights on
how, with higher-frequency
healing energies, we
can accelerate our
ascension process.

But how do we untangle
ourselves from the present
uncertainties, while
maintainingand enhancing our
physical immunity and spiritual
power? Scott will give us the
tools to conquer our fears,
keep mind and body strong,
and rise above the current
global tyranny.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Scott Updates Us On His Mission’s
Current Focus
• Combatting Fear by Raising
Our Frequencies
Strengthening Our Mental
and Spiritual Resolve
• Reclaiming Our Freedom
Deciphering Misinformation and
Waking Up to the Truth
• Seeing Others Through the
Eyes of Love
Magnitude of Loving Others Unconditionally
• Managing our Energy Flow
Embracing Higher-Dimensional Wellness
• Accelerating Ascension
The leap in consciousness that
can activate the process

Scott Werner

About Dr. Scott:
Scott received his medical degree
from Saint Louis University School of
Medicine. He has lectured extensively
to private and professional groups
throughout the United States,
educating them about multiple healing
modalities and herbal products.

Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease"
is a combination of too much toxicity
and not enough bodily nutrition,
coupled with negative emotions that
deplete our health. He has a very
spiritual understanding of the
approach to wellness. Having worked
extensively with world-class healer,
Katherine Beck, he has mastered a
wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner is the author of 2 books
• The Next Step in Human Evolution
• Take Back Your Health

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 21, 2021

GAWA-44 $13.95 U.S.

GAW43 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 43

Finally, we at PAO sense that
humanity is teetering on the
brink of a major shift.

Slowly, after so many months
of being surrounded by
uncertainty, people are seeing
positive change. Preparing,
like flowers, to burst forth and
shine our blinding light and
goodness into this world and
bring it back to what it was
always meant to be.

Now, more than ever, we need
the clarity of PAO’s favorite
truth-seeker Jared Rand,
whose gift is to dig down into
the dirt and grasp the nugget,
revealing its underlying
radiant reality. And of course,
Jared will share the very latest
news about the Celestial
Chambers, as well as providing
his unique Galactic
perspective on the global
crisis now engulfing humanity.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared Updates Us On His
Mission’s Current Focus
• Information Wars: Deciphering
Truth from Lies
• Coping with Increased Restrictions
On Humanity
• Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising
Our Frequencies
• Celestial Chambers:
A Progress Report
• Looking at Current Global Chaos from
a Galactic Perspective

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 24, 2021

GAWA-43 $13.95 U.S.

GAW42 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 42

We are in the midst of a
modern-day, epochal shift.
What is at stake is no less than
humanity’s future.

Our world is at war. This time,
its weapons are not bombs,
but thoughts and words.
All levels of society –
continents, countries,
communities, friends and
families – are being split. In
these times, truth is a many-
headed Hydra: elusive at the
best of times and, right now,
downright confusing.

For a different, wider view,
PAO turns again to Pia Orleane
and Cullen Smith,whose
messages and common-sense
advice from the Pleiadians
bring comfort, clarity and the
Galactic perspective of
humanity’s present and future.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• The Great Split and How It
Is Helping Evolution
• Why Humanity Is In Its Current Position
• Strengthening the Immune System
• Best Tactics for Keeping Our
Vibration High
• Pleiadian Perspective on
Humanity's Future

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 26, 2021

GAWA-42 $13.95 U.S.

GAW41 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 41

Bearing witness to the chaos
of our present society,
Celestine gives us the
information we need to
empower the next, arduous
phase of our activational
journey. In guiding us through
the steps in the struggle to
come, she reminds us of our
divine galactic purpose, to
assist humanity’s global

And, in her capacity as galactic
healer, Celestine offers an
emotionally supportive
hand of strength and courage
to lift us all above, and beyond,
these troubling times.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Celestine's Mission
• The Galactic Earth Council
Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin
• How Humanity Is Now Being Tested
Against the "Feather Of Truth"
A Choice between Frequencies of Love
and Frequencies of Fear
• Celestial Activation
Re-awakening your Divine Galactic
Purpose and your Galactic Star Origins
• Activating Grid Lines
Neutralizing Harmful Technology
• “Galactic Science” of “Time
and Space”
Our Milky Way and the Future of
Humanity on Earth

Celestine Star Image

About Celestine:
Dr. Celestine Star, D.D., is the
possessor of profound knowledge,
wisdom and expertise in many areas
of life. For more than 40 years,
Celestine has offered humanity her
sacred healing wisdom, exceptional
intuitions and perceptions, worldly
business knowledge, and joyous,
creative, artistic gifts.

Celestine recognizes each person as
an expression of Creation. She is
dedicated to facilitating the evolution
of Human Consciousness on Planet
Earth for the Benefit of All
Sentient Beings.

"Where it is needed facilitate
Enlightened Change, ‘Keep The Way
Sacred’ and "Manifest the Wisdom"
to create a "Joyous and
Beautiful World for All."

Celestine Star

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 22, 2021

GAWA-41 $13.95 U.S.

GAW40 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 40

Great-granddaughter of Dwight
D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart
instincts and life calling have
always been to protect and
restore this planet and
its Ascension timeline. In light
of the deepening crises that
right now envelop our world,
she returns, armed with sound
knowledge of the cyber ops
that control and threaten to
destroy Earth, and mastery of
the esoteric, paranormal
and mystical arts that can heal
both Gaia and humanity.

If information is power, then it
is also healing, for it energizes
us to go out and find
solutions to our life’s ills.
Laura’s words and ideas will
ignite our vital spark, inspiring
us to link our spirits, rekindling
the flame of our frequencies to
even greater heights.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Laura's Mission
• All Eyes are On America
Events Leading Up to Disclosure of the
False Narrative
• Remembering our Galactic heritage
On the Alert for a Possible
Cosmic Hoax 
• New Technologies
Timeline for Release of Suppressed
Healing, Energy and Environmental
• Ascension
Preparing for More Frequency Upgrades
• An Astrological View of Our
Current World
How Astrology Affects Our Future

Laura Eisenhower Image

About Laura
Laura Eisenhower is a Global
Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical
and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an
internationally-acclaimed speaker
who has presented her work around
the world. The great-granddaughter
of U.S. President Dwight David
Eisenhower, Laura reveals exopolitical
information about his administration that has been largely kept secret.

With access to technologies, plans
and truths that can restore our planet, she is connected to many who already
are actively working on preventing
Global Crisis and manifesting all the
necessary changes. Laura strives to
steer our creativity toward causes and
projects that inspire our utmost
transformation. She provides us with
the crucial insights that will serve as
beacons in our transition into an Age
of Awakening and Galactic Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 25, 2021

GAWA-40 $13.95 U.S.

GAW39 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 39

Spring is here and Jared Rand
is back, bringing the latest on
his Celestial Chambers, along
with his usual laser focus
and positivity to the tangle
of issues besetting our
present world.

Well-known and trusted for his
popular daily Global Guided
Meditation, Jared returns with
straight and compassionate
talk on how we, the silent
majority,can rise above these
current, dark days to reclaim
our personal and spiritual
sovereignty. Sunnier
tomorrows await us!

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• The Deep State Global Agenda
The Power of the Silent Majority
• Reclaiming Our Personal Sovereignty
Ways to Consistently Celebrate Our Joy
Activating Abundance and Prosperity
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Global Awakening
Revisiting and Updating Our Timelines

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 23, 2021

GAWA-39 $13.95 U.S.

GAW38 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 38

We are thrilled to welcome our
April guest who, like PAO’s
founder, Sheldan Nidle,
has a personal association
with the Galactics. Akin to
Sheldan, she is connected
to the Galactics by a
telepathic implant.

At the age of 9, Elena Danaan
was abducted by Greys and
subsequently rescued by
Thorhan, a Pleiadean member
of the Galactic Federation. Her
relationship with Thorhan
continues to this day. Elena’s
story is gripping, insightful and
extremely moving.

This Webinar is a must for all
those who hunger for news of
the Galactics, long to feel the
comfort of connection with
them, and yearn to know
more about the future that
awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Elena's Mission
• Breaking Free of the 3D Matrix
Reclaiming Our Sovereignty
• Manipulation in New Age
Spiritual Movements
Understanding Their Pitfalls
• How to Raise Our Vibration
Why it is So Imperative
• Elena’s Encounters with Valiant Thor
• Looking at Humanity's
Immediate Future
A Pleiadean and Galactic
Federation Perspective

About Elena:
Elena was rescued at the age of nine
by two Pleiadeans as she was
receiving implants from the Grays
who had abducted her. She was told
in 2018 that Earth was to soon enter
a very dangerous phase but would
be liberated from the dark forces
that controlled it.

Elena was born and educated in
France. She spent 20 years as an
archeologist in Egypt. Later, she
returned to France and the University
of Toulouse. She is highly educated in
Egyptian religion and magic.

A Celtic celebrant, Elena now lives in
Ireland. She practices Druidry, magic,
reiki, sound therapy and shamanism,
as well as the craft arts. .

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 25, 2021

GAWA-38 $13.95 U.S.

GAW37 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 37

As welcome as the
approaching spring, Vidya
Frazier returns as PAO’s guest
this month to refresh our
pandemic-exhausted minds
and spirits.

Author, energy healer, and
licensed transpersonal
psychotherapist, Vidya shares
a wealth of holistic wisdom to
smooth the spiritual tangle of
these perplexing times.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Vidya's Mission
• Our Quantum Leap into the Fifth
Dimension has Begun
Handling the Chaos
• Ascension Symptoms: Physical,
Mental and Emotional
Mastering the Challenges
• Covid-19 Confusion
Managing Rifts with Loved Ones
• Heightening Your Discernment
Abilities - Ways to Raise and
Sustain Your Vibration
• Ushering in a New and Better Earth
How We can Contribute to the Shift

Vidya Frazier

About Vidya:
Vidya Frazier is the author of four
books on the subject of Ascension:
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Ascension: Embracing
the Transformation
• Triumph of the Light

The Ascension Lightworker Guide:
A Handbook for Weary Souls

As an author, energy healer, and
transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya
has offered workshops, classes
and public presentations over the past
forty-five years on a variety of subjects
pertaining to spiritual awakening,
drawing on sources from both the
East and the West as well as her
own inner journey. She has presented
at numerous IONS events, the
New Living Expo, and a 5D New
Paradigm conference.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 21, 2021

GAWA-37 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 36

This month, PAO celebrates
the energy of love with the
welcome return of
Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith.
Pia and Cullen bring with them
the caring words of Laarkmaa,
a benevolent group of
Interstellar Beings
headquartered in the Pleiades.

Over the months, so many of
you have asked PAO if we will
ever be able to find
our way out of this present
planetary crisis. Laarkmaa’s
loving counsel, tailor-made
for these most distressing
times, will inform and gently
guide us through. And
Pia and Cullen will convey
Laarkmaa’s messages,
brimming with wisdom and
healing compassion, from their
enlightened hearts to ours.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• Pleiadian-Earth Energy and the
Power of Thirteen
The energy of thirteen is a key to
remembering who we are
• Mapping A New and Unfamiliar Reality
What Creates Consciousness?|
• Techno-Virus - Global Pandemic
Latest perspectives on the
Global Pandemic
• Hidden Threats to Higher
Consciousness Development
Our Pineal Gland and the Path to Health
• The Great Awakening to a New
Consciousness - Our Most Favorable
Way Forward Shared Insights from
Pleiadian Connections

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 21, 2021

GAWA-36 $13.95 U.S.

GAW35 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 35

Mona Delfino returns again as
this month’s PAO guest. A
world-acclaimed Practitioner of
Energy Medicine, a teacher,
leader and healer, and a born
Shaman, Mona arrives to
dispense wisdom and comfort
custom-made for these most
difficult times. By practicing
energetic healing at its
deepest level, Mona helps
liberate us, body, mind, and
soul, freeing us to resume our
real lives and the positive,
peaceful journey ahead.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Mona's Mission
• Frequency Shifts - Raising
Our 3D awareness
Coming to grips with Heightened
Vibrational Intensity
• Our World in Chaos - Shining a
light on the Dark
Taking Our Power Back
• You Are the Medicine Within
Ways for us to energetically self-heal
• 2021 A New Year, A New You
What's in store for humanity in 2021

Mona Delfino

About Mona:
Mona Delfino is an author who has
been a Practitioner of Energy Medicine
for 40 years. She was born a Shaman,
learning her calling and helping to heal
people and animals from a very early
age. Well-versed in Spirituality and
Quantum Healing, Mona teaches the
Art of Alchemy: as within, so without.
With an extensive background of
reading her clients from afar, as well
as face-to-face, Mona proves that
Energy has no bounds. For more than
40 years, she has effectively and
painstakingly helped thousands to
heal. She responds to Earth’s needs
as well: when called, she conducts a
ceremony to release memory from
gridlines throughout the planet and
make possible Gaia’s energetic

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 24, 2021

GAWA-35 $13.95 U.S.

GAW34 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 34

After enduring months of
lockdowns, ominous warnings
and pandemic protocols,
and the swirling uncertainty
that is the outcome of the U.S.
election, we are left stressed
and bewildered. More than
ever, we need a healing dose
of Jared! Jared's panoramic
perspectives and down-to-
earth manner will refresh and
buoy our spirits, while the
insights he offers on ending
the current global crisis will
challenge our minds, lift and
empower us.

Most importantly, Jared
updates us on the progress
being made on the Celestial
Chambers' and reveals
further exciting emergent
healing technologies.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Watching Events Unfold in America
Will they serve as the model for
ending the global crisis?
• Raising Hope with a
Global Awakening
Are enough of us awake to
make a difference?
• Repelling Fear
Effective ways to shed our anxiety and
take back our power.
• Celestial Chambers
An update, and exciting news about
other healing technologies.
• Making Sense of Our Timelines
Embracing the opportunity to raise our
consciousness during these
disconcerting times.

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 20, 2020

GAWA-34 $13.95 U.S.

GAW33 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 33

Right now, we are living
through an extraordinary and
perilous time, bombarded
by the inescapable bulletins
and ominous predictions of
mainstream media. And while
we endure a controversial
pandemic, we are also bearing
witness to unprecedented
civil and political unrest. The
result is that many of us are
sensing the hopelessness
of living in a world devoid of
kindness, freedom and
true humanity.

This month, Dr. Scott Werner
returns to PAO's roundtable to
support and guide us through
this turmoil. He gives us the
tools we need to persevere,
calmly and with fortitude, while
showing us ways to brighten
our Light and bring about
positive and necessary
change for our world.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Scott's Mission
• Media and Medical Misinformation:
Coping with Fear
Strengthening Our Psychological and
Physical Immune Systems
• Pandemics: Living with Lockdowns
Guidelines for coping
• Galactic Ascension Adjustments
How to distinguish Ascension
symptoms from actual illness
• Discovering a Higher-Dimensional
Approach to Wellness
Connecting with your
spirit guides for help
• Helping to Wake Up Humanity
Collectively spreading the Light

Scott Werner

About Scott:
Scott received his medical degree
from Saint Louis University School of
Medicine. He has lectured extensively
to private and professional groups
throughout the United States,
educating them about multiple healing
modalities and herbal products.

Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease"
is a combination of too much toxicity
and not enough bodily nutrition,
coupled with negative emotions that
deplete our health. He has a very
spiritual understanding of the
approach to wellness. Having worked
extensively with world-class healer,
Katherine Beck, he has mastered a
wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner is the author of 2 books
• The Next Step in Human Evolution
• Take Back Your Health

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 22, 2020

GAWA-33 $13.95 U.S.

GAW32 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 32

Bolstered by a background in
Global Alchemy and Medical
and Intuitive Astrology,
and armed with access to
technologies and eternal
truths, Laura is engaged in a
life-long quest to help restore
our planet. Her first-hand
knowledge of the Deep State's
agenda, along with her ties to
the Galactic option and
disclosure, offer usthe chance
to better understand the
hidden agenda behind our
current world crises.

We at PAO can think of no one
better than Laura to shine the
light of her research
and convictions on our
troubled present, while
opening our collectiveintent to
a more optimistic,benevolent
and great-hearted future.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Laura's Mission
• Deep State's Agenda 21
New World Order
All Eyes are On America
• Raising Hope with a
Global Awakening
Helping to Lift Heads Out of the Sand
• Ascension
Preparing Our Human Vessels for
More Frequency Upgrades
• Advanced Healing - Synergy Science
Ways to Overcome Our
Toxic Environments
• Disclosure
Connecting with the Galactics

Laura Eisenhower Image

About Laura
Laura Eisenhower is a Global
Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical
and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an
internationally-acclaimed speaker
who has presented her work around
the world. The great-granddaughter
of U.S. President Dwight David
Eisenhower, Laura reveals exopolitical
information about his administration that has been largely kept secret.

With access to technologies, plans
and truths that can restore our planet, she is connected to many who already
are actively working on preventing
Global Crisis and manifesting all the
necessary changes. Laura strives to
steer our creativity toward causes and
projects that inspire our utmost
transformation. She provides us with
the crucial insights that will serve as
beacons in our transition into an Age
of Awakening and Galactic Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 25, 2020

GAWA-32 $13.95 U.S.

GAW31 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 31

This month, PAO welcomes
back broadcaster and writer
Patricia Cori for another
compelling look at the mystic
realms. Patricia, an
acknowledged authority on
spirituality, is honored to
serve as scribe of the Sirian
High Council.

Patricia shares a wealth of
insights communicated to her
by the Sirians on how our
current reality will serve as a
catalyst in creating new and
higher levels of awareness.
They, in turn, will lead us away
from this present earthly
bedlam to a more advanced
and blissful state of being.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Patricia's Mission
• New Sirian Revelations
• Repairing Our DNA from Toxic Attack
• Re-assessing Our Personal Missions
• New Ascension Timelines
• If you can't find the light,

Patricia Cori Image

About Patricia:
In July 1996, an extraordinary out-of-
body journey through the Milky Way
and other galaxies re-connected
Patricia Cori to a group of inter-
dimensional Light Beings that she
came to know as the Sirian High
Council. As a result of her
extraordinary mission as their Scribe,
she has shared the transformative
insights of six-dimensional Sirian Light
Emissaries in her books
and teachings.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 27, 2020

GAWA-31 $13.95 U.S.

GAW30 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 30

Jared Rand returns to PAO’s
Live Webinar this month to
bring us another of his
inimitable updates on
our present world, the
Celestial Chambers, and our
spiritual future.

Once again, Jared informs,
advises and inspires: using his
distinctive mix of
wide-ranging knowledge and
straight talk, he addresses our
volatile present
and offers his own thoughts on
the halcyon and peaceful
future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Combatting Fear with Discernment
• NESARA - Abundance and Prosperity
• New Technologies
• Celestial Chambers (Med Beds)
• Global Awakening - Updating Our

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 23, 2020

GAWA-30 $13.95 U.S.

GAW29 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 29

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
bring their 'straight from the
stars' Pleiadean wisdom
to our PAO Webinar this month.
In addition to conveying the
message of the Laarkmaa, a
group of Interstellar Beings
that help humanity from their
base in the Pleiades, Pia and
Cullen will share their
insights into our current
world situation.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• Laarkmaa Group of Interstellar Beings
Pleiadian Connection: Using Pleiadian-
Earth Energy to Navigate Your Life
• Techno-Virus - Global Pandemic
• Magnetosphere: Cosmic Weather and
Shifting Environment
• Pineal Gland - Keeping it Healthy
• Awakening to a New Consciousness

Pia and Cullen Image

About Pia
Pia Orleane is a former practicing
psychologist who specialized in the
Spirituality of Conscious Living and
Alternative Healing. From an early
childhood whose world included
interstellar beings, fairies, and angels,
Pia now calls forth voices of the Great
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and
The Voice of the Divine Feminine
("The Voice").

About Cullen
Cullen Smith is an empathic intuitive
and visionary with extraordinary
healing gifts. From early childhood, he
participated with non-ordinary states
of reality with interstellar beings and
Pan's kingdom and began using
energy to support others' healing.
Cullen has focused his life on
assisting the evolutionary movement
of all towards unity.

About Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa is a loving group of
interstellar beings who comprise both
individual aspects and a unified
consciousness. In their heart-to-heart
communications with Cullen and Pia,
Laarkmaa, through the energy of love,
offers the keys to our own freedom
and provides guidance that aligns
with Universal Truth.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 26, 2020

GAWA-29 $13.95 U.S.

GAW28 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 28

Celestine Star first visited us
in November of last year. At
that time, we were enthralled
by her range of knowledge,
delighted by her uplifting
humor and enchanted by her
insights. You enthused about
her. Naturally, we at PAO
determined to invite her back.
But that was when the world
felt safer and more certain. It
has changed, and
so have we. Now, we feel, is
the perfect time for Celestine
to shine her light
on our drastically-altered
present and our unfolding,
unknowable future.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Celestine's Mission
• The Galactic Earth Council
Insights Into Our Ongoing World Crisis
• Star Light Healing Modalities
Can They Help Us?
• Activating Grid Lines
Neutralizing Harmful Technology
• Connecting to Isis and the Egyptians
Present-day Connections
• Path of Ascension - 5D Transformative
Ascension Preparation Update
• Galactic Awakening and
Combatting the World Wide Turmoil

Celestine Star Image

About Celestine:
Dr. Celestine Star, D.D., is the
possessor of profound knowledge,
wisdom and expertise in many areas
of life. For more than 40 years,
Celestine has offered humanity her
sacred healing wisdom, exceptional
intuitions and perceptions, worldly
business knowledge, and joyous,
creative, artistic gifts.

Celestine recognizes each person as
an expression of Creation. She is
dedicated to facilitating the evolution
of Human Consciousness on Planet
Earth for the Benefit of All
Sentient Beings.

"Where it is needed facilitate
Enlightened Change, ‘Keep The Way
Sacred’ and "Manifest the Wisdom"
to create a "Joyous and
Beautiful World for All."

Celestine Star

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 21, 2020

GAWA-28 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation 27 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 27

This month, PAO’s special
guest is Laura Eisenhower.
Great-granddaughter of
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura
shares her passion to inspire
unity consciousness and
return us to the Zero point, the
totality of our divine powers.

Laura radiates incredible
passion and the confidence of
knowing how to change our
future for the better. She
guides us to an understanding
of the hidden agenda behind
our current world crises and
shows us how we can unite in
triumph, even in these
troubled times.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Laura's Mission
• Dark Cabals (Deep State) vs
Earth Allies & Elders
Population Control
Escalating Earth Changes - Our
Toxic Environment
Discrediting Truth to Confuse Humanity
Combatting Chaos and Fear
with Discernment
• NESARA - Abundance and Prosperity
Creating the Gold Standard
• Disclosure - Connecting with
the Galactics
• Ascension - DNA & Earth Grids
• Raising Hope with a
Global Awakening
Making Sense of Our Timelines

Laura Eisenhower Image

About Laura
Laura Eisenhower is a Global
Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical
and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an
internationally-acclaimed speaker
who has presented her work around
the world. The great-granddaughter
of U.S. President Dwight David
Eisenhower, Laura reveals exopolitical
information about his administration that has been largely kept secret.

With access to technologies, plans
and truths that can restore our planet, she is connected to many who already
are actively working on preventing
Global Crisis and manifesting all the
necessary changes. Laura strives to
steer our creativity toward causes and
projects that inspire our utmost
transformation. She provides us with
the crucial insights that will serve as
beacons in our transition into an Age
of Awakening and Galactic Ascension.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 24, 2020

GAWA-27 $13.95 U.S.

GAW26 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 26

In this month's Live Webinar,
PAO Dr. Norma J. Milanovich,
a devoted and eloquent
messenger for the Ascended
Masters, imparts her uplifting
vision of Earth's transition into
the Fifth Dimension.
She shares ways in which we
can prepare for our journey
into the realmof higher
consciousness. Norma, who is
in close touch with the
Arcturians, conveys their
transformational wisdom and
their peaceful and
cosmic perceptions of our
present chaotic world events.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Norma's Mission
• Ascended Masters
• Enlightenment and Higher
• Atlantis
• Arcturian Connection
• Coping with Covid-19

Norma Milanovich

About Norma
Dr. Norma J Milanovich is a
messenger for the Ascended Masters.
As Earth enters the Age of Aquarius, a
higher dimension of time/space, the
Ascended Masters are lovingly guiding
humanity through this portal. Though
many are not yet aware of it, we are all
candidates for citizenship of a higher
world ? where our bodies, minds and
Spirits are gradually becoming
integrated and healed.

We recognize that “there are many
paths to Spiritual Mastery, but only
ONE way — through enLIGHTenment”.
Enlightenment leads to God
Consciousness and our own
ultimate power.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 19, 2020

GAWA-26 $13.95 U.S.

GAW25 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 25

This month, PAO’s guest is
Mona Delfino, a world-
renowned Practitioner
of Energy Medicine. Born a
Shaman, Mona conveys her
understanding of
the ‘big picture’ by reading the
energy patterns that flow
within each individual,
and through humanity as a
whole. In this Webinar, she
shares with us
her more than 40 years of
healing wisdom.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Mona's Mission
• Power in Awareness -
Taking Your Power Back
• Releasing False Responsibility
• You Are the Medicine Within
• The Truth of the Heart
• Creating Consciousness
Out of Chaos
• 2020 A New Year, A New You

Mona Delfino

About Mona:
Mona Delfino is an author who has
been a Practitioner of Energy Medicine
for 40 years. She was born a Shaman,
learning her calling and helping to heal
people and animals from a very early
age. Well-versed in Spirituality and
Quantum Healing, Mona teaches the
Art of Alchemy: as within, so without.
With an extensive background of
reading her clients from afar, as well
as face-to-face, Mona proves that
Energy has no bounds. For more than
40 years, she has effectively and
painstakingly helped thousands to
heal. She responds to Earth’s needs
as well: when called, she conducts a
ceremony to release memory from
gridlines throughout the planet and
make possible Gaia’s energetic

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 22, 2020

GAWA-25 $13.95 U.S.

GAW24 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 24

Jared Rand, long acclaimed for
his daily global meditation,
returns to PAO’s Live Webinar
this month. During a wide-
ranging conversation, he
gives us a detailed progress
report on the Celestial
Chambers (Med-Beds).

Demonstrating his
encyclopedic knowledge,
Jared will answer our
questions and offer us his
personal perspective on the
extraordinary future that
awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Dark Cabals vs Earth Allies - Elders
• Raising Hope with Evidence,
not Empty Promises
• Our Toxic Environment
• Celestial Chambers (Med Beds)
• Global Awakening - Updating
Our Timelines

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 23, 2020

GAWA-24 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 23 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 23

PAO’s special guest this month
is Irma Kaye Sawyer. Long
involved in the holistic healing
arts, Irma Kaye describes the
fascinating intricacies of the
Akashic records and how they
influence and intertwine in
every aspect of our lives.
She reveals how we can use
bright star empowerment
to heal ourselves,
and explain the enduring
secrets of cosmic love.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Irma Kay's Mission
• Akashic Records and
Wisdom Keepers
• Empathy and Healing:
Bright Star Empowerment
• The Aquarian Path to Abundance
• Cosmic Weather - Cosmic Love
• 2020 and Beyond:
Timeline and Energy Preparations

Irma Kaye Sawyer

About Irma Kaye:
Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer is an Akashic
records reader, interfaith minister, intuitive counselor, energy healing
practitioner and writer. Irma has been
involved as a practitioner and teacher in the holistic healing arts community
since 1992. She started her
channeling work in 1996 with
messages from the Archangels. Her
connection with the Akashic Wisdom
Keepers, who are her current
guidance team in the Akashic records,
began in 2007.

Webinar Date:
Thursday, January 23, 2020

GAWA-23 $13.95 U.S.

GAW22 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 22

Lori Spagna returns this month
to draw us more deeply into
the realm of our DNA strands
and the Sacred Key Codes
that lie within. These precious
Codes hold the power to
awaken our greatest potential
and align us with the highest,
& best, version of ourselves.

And in response to your
many concerns, Lori reveals
her secrets of how to
communicate with our pets.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Lori's Mission
• DNA Activation: Live Energy Healing -
Star Code Markings
• Unlocking your Psychic Potential:
Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth with
Speed Activations
• Pets: Animal Communication - Sacred
Healing - Animal Afterlife -
Global Protection
• 2020 and Beyond: Timeline and
Energy Preparations

Lori Ann Spagna

About Lori:
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher,
Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional
Channel, Intuitive, Animal
Communicator, Energy Healer,
Lightworker, Visionary and Luminary
who assists others to awaken to their
alignment with the true Divine Source
which exists within each and every
being so that all beings can live their
best life ever.

For over 20 years, Lori has
transformed the lives of thousands of
humans and animals via her
Channeled Ascension Guidance,
Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and
Animal Communication and
Telepathy. She provides Ascension
Training and Support, Sacred Energy
Healing Transmissions, Dormant DNA
Activations and Sacred Key Code and
Star Code Marking Activations for
humans and animals.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 15, 2019

GAWA-22 $13.95 U.S.

GA Webinar 21 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 21

This month, PAO welcomes Dr.
Celestine Star, a “Renaissance
woman”, holistic
transformative healer and
Arch Priestess in the
Temple of Light.

In this Webinar, Celestine
takes us on an empowering
activational journey,
guiding us in discovering our
divine galactic purpose and
assisting us in gaining
valuable insights into
humanity's global awakening.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Celestine's Mission
• The Galactic Earth Council:
Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin
• Star Light Healing Modalities
• Activating Grid Lines
• Connecting to the goddess Isis
and the Egyptians
• Path of Ascension - 5D Transformative
• Galactic Awakening and

Celestine Star Image

About Celestine:
Dr. Celestine Star, D.D., is the
possessor of profound knowledge,
wisdom and expertise in many areas
of life. For more than 40 years,
Celestine has offered humanity her
sacred healing wisdom, exceptional
intuitions and perceptions, worldly
business knowledge, and joyous,
creative, artistic gifts.

Celestine recognizes each person as
an expression of Creation. She is
dedicated to facilitating the evolution
of Human Consciousness on Planet
Earth for the Benefit of All
Sentient Beings.

"Where it is needed facilitate
Enlightened Change, ‘Keep The Way
Sacred’ and "Manifest the Wisdom"
to create a "Joyous and
Beautiful World for All."

Celestine Star

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 24, 2019

GAWA-21 $13.95 U.S.

GA Webinar 20 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 20

PAO is delighted to welcome
Penney Peirce, our Live
Webinar guest for October.
Penney explains how to use
transparency – a fresh
perspective on
personal transformation – plus
intuition and our divine
feminine to accelerate our
continuing journey to higher

Subjects to be discussed:
• Penney's Mission
• Transparency
• The Intuitive Way
• Be the Dreamer, Not the Dream
• Divine Feminine
• Coming Trends for America
and the World
• Our Awakening Consciousness

Penney Peirce Image

About Penney:
I’m a spiritual teacher and visionary,
a clairvoyant and empath. I write
pioneering, popular books that clarify
expanded perception and
transformation. I enjoy following
the personal and societal process of
our awakening, and am fascinated by
the growing awareness of what’s next
and how things will unfold.

It’s time for us to integrate a new and
higher consciousness into how we live
and what we create. It’s time to
make the intuitive way and the
Intuition Age – normal!

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 20, 2019

GAWA-20 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 19

Again, this month, we are
joined by Jared Rand,
who is widely known for his
daily global meditation.
Demonstrating his
encyclopedic knowledge,
Jared will answer our
questions and offer us his
personal perspective on the
extraordinary future that
awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Escalating Earth Changes
• Connecting with higher self -
Overcoming 3D distractions
• Collective Meditation:
A Progress Report
• Med Beds - Celestial Chambers
• Disclosure and Mass Landings
• Updating Our Timelines

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 22, 2019

GAWA-19 $13.95 U.S.

GAW18 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 18

In this PAO Activation Webinar,
Lori Spagna will show how your
DNA Strands hold the keys and
the codes – Sacred Key Codes
~ to awaken YOUR greatest
potential and align you with
the highest and best version
of yourself.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Lori's Mission
• Understanding Ascension Timelines
• Awakening, Clearing, Healing and
Resolving your Genetic DNA
• Strengthening your True
Source Alignment
• Activating your Star Code Markings
• Meeting your Galactic Star Family
• Shifting into 5th Dimensional Reality
and Beyond

Lori Ann Spagna

About Lori:
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher,
Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional
Channel, Intuitive, Animal
Communicator, Energy Healer,
Lightworker, Visionary and Luminary
who assists others to awaken to their
alignment with the true Divine Source
which exists within each and every
being so that all beings can live their
best life ever.

As a Spiritual Teacher, Visionary,
Lightworker, Starseed, Intuitive and
Healer who radically transformed her
life after a series of near death
experiences and an
abduction/induction experience while
living in Maui, Lori teaches about
Ascension and acts as a guide to
awakening Spiritually Minded Animal
Lovers, Lightworkers, Starseeds and

For over 20 years, Lori has
transformed the lives of thousands of
humans and animals via her
Channeled Ascension Guidance,
Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and
Animal Communication and
Telepathy. She provides Ascension
Training and Support, Sacred Energy
Healing Transmissions, Dormant DNA
Activations and Sacred Key Code and
Star Code Marking Activations for
humans and animals.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 25, 2019

GAWA-18 $13.95 U.S.

GAW17 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 17

PAO’s Galactic Activation
Webinar guest for July is
Patricia Cori. Patricia, a well-
known broadcaster, writer and
pathfinder into the mystic
realms, serves as a scribe for
the Sirian High Council.

Dubbed a “real-life Indiana
Jones” who tantalizes
audiences with visions of what
might very well be, Patricia will
share her insights on the new
levels of conscious awareness that await us all.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Patricia's Mission
• The Sirian High Council:
Galactic prophecies
for the ascending human collective
• Beyond the Matrix: the future
of our civilization
• Starseeds: a life-changing process
of spiritual expansion
• The Cosmos of Soul: A wake-up
call for Humanity

Patricia Cori Image

About Patricia:
In July 1996, an extraordinary out-of-
body journey through the Milky Way
and other galaxies re-connected
Patricia Cori to a group of inter-
dimensional Light Beings that she
came to know as the Sirian High
Council. As a result of her
extraordinary mission as their Scribe,
she has shared the transformative
insights of six-dimensional Sirian Light
Emissaries in her books
and teachings.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 21, 2019

GAWA-17 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation 16 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 16

Joseph McNamara, PAO's
guest this month, shares his
comprehensive knowledge
of Tachyons, which possess an
extraordinary healing and
harmonizing effect. A healing
session inside the Tachyon
chamber takes 20 minutes
and has enduring positive
effects on every aspect of our
being.Joseph answers
our questions and gives us his
personal perspective on the
multiple levels of
spiritual healing, and the
thrilling future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Joseph's Mission
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
How tachyon knowledge came
to our planet
• What are Tachyons?
• Tachyon Chambers - Benefits
of using them
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
(Celestial Chambers)
• Where are Tachyon Chambers located
Can we buy one?

About Joseph:
Joseph McNamara was born and raised in Ireland. After graduating medical school, he moved to the United States, drawn there by what he felt was the most open-minded and exciting culture in the world.

In the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, he practiced medicine for over 20 years as a physician. He started in Emergency Care, shifted to Family Medicine, and then felt called to open his own practice. He named it Cara an Anam, which is Gaelic for
“Friend of the Soul.”

In 2012, he began working with the Earth-Keeper organization, which aligned with his spiritual interests. As part of the leadership of Earth-Keeper tours he shared his knowledge of ancient Celtic lore.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 23, 2019

GAWA-16 $13.95 U.S.

GAW15 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 15

This month, our Galactic
Activation Webinar guest is
Tricia McCannon,
who is blessed with an
intriguing perspective on life
in 3D and beyond.
Tricia takes us on a thrilling
and empowering journey,
guiding us in the discovery of
our divine galactic purpose
and assisting us in
gaining insights of humanity's
global awakening.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Tricia's Mission
• Lost Civilization of Atlantis
• Angels and Extraterrestrials
• Awakening the Divine Feminine
• Discovering Your Divine Purpose
• Global Awakening
• Timelines

Tricia McCannon Image

About Tricia:
Tricia McCannon is an American
mystic. Over the last 20 years she has
been a headliner at conferences in
many cities around the globe.

Raised in a traditional Episcopalian
home, she blends the wider
perspectives of history, mysticism,
science, archaeology and spirituality
with her own unique warmth and
wisdom, making her a powerful bridge
teacher for thousands worldwide.

She is the author of over 30 DVDs and
13 on-line books, all focused on
personal transformation, awakening
Christ Consciousness and
Global Healing.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 19, 2019

GAWA-15 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 14

During PAO's April Webinar
our guest, Meg Benedicte,
shares her unique gift of
understanding subtle energies
and discerning the traumatic
patterns thatrelate to
dysfunction and ill health. By
ascertaining and applying
alternative healing methods,
she will explain how we can
heal ourselves by using
Quantum Healing and
Ascension Activations.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Meg's Mission
• Quantum Access - Transformation
Activation Tool
• Activating Metatron's Sacred Geometry
• Zero point Fields
• Stargates
• Ascension Upgrades

Meg Benedicte Image

About Meg:
Drawing from 20 years of healing
experience and extensive research,
Meg Benedicte has created an original
and powerful healing approach, the
distinctive proprietary process known
as Quantum Access™. By activating
Metatron's sacred geometry,
Metatron's Cube, into a Torus
Merkaba, she can access unlimited
free energy to help eradicate disease,
polarity and the decomposition of time.
Quantum Access™ enables her to
accelerate one's awakened
consciousness to reach higher levels
of spiritual enlightenment.

'By embracing Soul presence, we can
break free of human limitations'

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 14, 2019

GAWA-14 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 13 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 13

Lately, many Starseeds and
Lightworkers have been
experiencing what we
interpret as symptoms of
severe ascension syndrome.
But how can we know
whether they are true signs of
our approaching ascension or
actual medical conditions that
require immediate
intervention? Scott Werner
shares his insights on a higher
dimensional approach to
healing and wellness.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Scott's Mission
• How to distinguish galactic ascension
adjustments from actual diseases
• How to manage ascension symptoms
• How to manage actual diseases
intermingled with ascension symptoms
• Discovering a higher-dimensional
approach to wellness
• How to connect with your
spirit guides for help
• Examining our ascension
preparation timelines

Scott Werner

About Scott:
Scott received his medical degree
from Saint Louis University School of
Medicine. He has lectured extensively
to private and professional groups
throughout the United States,
educating them about multiple healing
modalities and herbal products.

Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease"
is a combination of too much toxicity
and not enough bodily nutrition,
coupled with negative emotions that
deplete our health. He has a very
spiritual understanding of the
approach to wellness. Having worked
extensively with world-class healer,
Katherine Beck, he has mastered a
wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner is the author of 2 books
• The Next Step in Human Evolution
• Take Back Your Health

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 24, 2019

GAWA-13 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 12

February is traditionally the
month of love, and this month,
PAO’s guest is Vidya Frazier.
Vidya will shed her light upon
how we can love ourselves
unconditionally – an essential
practice we must master
before we can experience 5-D

Subjects to be discussed:
• Vidya's Mission
• Get in touch with your
Sacred Heart power
• Emotional heart vs Sacred Heart
• How to begin loving yourself
• Move beyond guilt, shame
and self-hatred
• Handling the challenges
of the “Ascension Void”
• Unconditional self-love and 5-D

Vidya Frazier

About Vidya:
Vidya Frazier is the author of three
books on the subject of Ascension:
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Ascension: Embracing
the Transformation
• Triumph of the Light

As an author, energy healer, and
transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya
has offered workshops, classes
and public presentations over the past
forty-five years on a variety of subjects
pertaining to spiritual awakening,
drawing on sources from both the
East and the West as well as her
own inner journey. She has presented
at numerous IONS events, the
New Living Expo, and a 5D New
Paradigm conference.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 24, 2019

GAWA-12 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 11 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 11

Again, this month, we are
joined by Jared Rand,
who is widely known for his
daily global meditation.
Demonstrating his
encyclopedic knowledge,
Jared will answer our
questions and offer us his
personal perspective on the
extraordinary future that
awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Distraction of World Politics
• Endless Self-Serving Predictions
• Raising Hope with Evidence,
not Empty Promises
• Are Lightworkers Taking on Too Much?
• Combatting Fear - Coping with
Chaos and Self-Doubt
• Med Beds - Celestial Chambers
• Timelines Revisited

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 20, 2019

GAWA-11 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 10 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 10

Our special guest, Linda Dillon,
is an internationally acclaimed
channel, teacher, author and
healer. In this Webinar, she will
explain how we can overcome
the core issues that control us
and how we can heal, eliminate
and, ultimately, emerge
from them. During the Webinar,
she shares with us a live
channel from our Star Family.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Linda's Mission
• Ascension
• Core Issues
• Inspired Self
• Divine Mother
• Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies
• Live Channel from our Star Family

Linda Dillon Image

About Linda:

As the vehicle for the Council of Love,
Linda channels the vibration of pure
Love into the hearts of those who
work with her. Over the years, Linda
has developed Council classes on the
13th Octave; How To Create; How to
Channel; Joy; Wisdom Vision and the
healing modality of the 13th Octave
LaHoChi. She has channeled hundreds
of inspirational meditations that create
clearing, healing and expansion within
the hearts of the listener.

Prior to committing herself full-time to
her spiritual work, Linda was a
successful health care executive. She
understands the need to make
spiritual matters hands-on and
practical, applicable to all components
of your everyday life. Her purpose is to
assist you in integrating Love and the
conscious state of being into all
aspects of your being. Her goal is to
help you on your spiritual journey in
form - and to know the joy, creativity
and sheer fun of that journey.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 16, 2018

GAWA-10 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 9

Scott Werner, PAO's guest this
month, shares his knowledge
of a higher dimensional
approach to healing and
wellness. Scott answers our
questions and gives us his
personal perspective on the
multiple levels of
spiritual healing and the
thrilling future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Scott's Mission
• Our Toxic Environment: An
Environmental Catastrophe
• St. Germain: An Evolutionary
Approach to Survival
• Improving Your Health by Detoxing
• Spiritual Understanding: A Higher-
Dimensional Approach to Wellness
• Spiritual Intuitive Readings: How To
Connect with Your Spirit Guides
• How to Wake Humanity Up

Scott Werner

About Scott:
Scott received his medical degree
from Saint Louis University School of
Medicine. He has lectured extensively
to private and professional groups
throughout the United States,
educating them about multiple healing
modalities and herbal products.

Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease"
is a combination of too much toxicity
and not enough bodily nutrition,
coupled with negative emotions that
deplete our health. He has a very
spiritual understanding of the
approach to wellness. Having worked
extensively with world-class healer,
Katherine Beck, he has mastered a
wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner is the author of 2 books
• The Next Step in Human Evolution
• Take Back Your Health

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 18, 2018

GAWA-9 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 8 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 8

PAO’s guest this month Vidya
Frazier, enlightens us on
"Awakening to the Fifth
Dimension". Sharing her
knowledge as an energy
healer, Vidya answers our
questions and gives us her
personal perspective on all
aspects of our ascension
journey and the phenomenal
future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Vidya's Mission
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Our Spiritual Missions
• Ascension
• Past Lives
• Ushering in a New Earth

Vidya Frazier

About Vidya:
Vidya Frazier is the author of three
books on the subject of Ascension:
• Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
• Ascension: Embracing
the Transformation
• Triumph of the Light

As an author, energy healer, and
transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya
has offered workshops, classes
and public presentations over the past
forty-five years on a variety of subjects
pertaining to spiritual awakening,
drawing on sources from both the
East and the West as well as her
own inner journey. She has presented
at numerous IONS events, the
New Living Expo, and a 5D New
Paradigm conference.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 21, 2018

GAWA-8 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation webinar 7 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 7

We are joined this month by
Jared Rand, who is well-known
for his daily global meditation. Accessing a wealth of wide-
ranging knowledge, Jared
answers our questions
and gives us his personal
perspective on an astonishing
future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Jared's Mission
• Dark Cabals
• Population Control
• Earth Changes
• NESARA - Abundance and Prosperity
• New Technologies
• Full Consciousness and Inner Earth
• Timelines

About Jared:
My mission is to uplift the
human civilization by
increasing their vibrational
frequencies so they RISE and
assisting them in connecting
with their higher selves or
God Sparks. 

We will leave behind: anger,
sorrow, hate, selfishness,
envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect,
dishonor, prejudice, disease,
poverty, starvation.
saturate all that there is. We

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 23, 2018

GAWA-7 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 6 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 6

This month, we invited color
therapist Arlene Arnold to join
us. Arlene specializes in
helping those who struggle
with the anxiety that comes of
being highly sensitive and
intuitive. She works with
complementary color tools to
help people de-stress

Webinar Questions:
• How can your color tools connect us
with our chakra system?
• How can we best utilize color in our
meditations and visualizations?
• Why do we like or dislike
certain colors?
• Does our choice of clothing
colors matter?
• How can we use color to overcome
darkness and despair?
• How can we use color for our
highest good?
• Can using color help to unlock our
hidden talents?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 26, 2018

GAWA-6 $13.95 U.S.

GA Webinar 5 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 5

So many of you have written
in, asking to be guests on
one of PAO's Webinars.
Since not everyone can be on
at once, we have invited two of
our special friends,
Howard Richman and
Reverend Marilyn Latham,
to join us this month.
They are both long-time PAO
supporters and will give a
grassroots glimpse into
the multitude of galactic
questions and concerns
you may have.

Howard ImageMarilyn1

Subjects to be discussed:
• Galactic Federation of Light
• Dark Cabals
• NESARA - Abundance and Prosperity
• First Contact and Disclosure
• New Technologies
• Ascension - Inner Earth
- Light Chambers
• Full Consciousness
• Divine Time and Coping in 3D

Music for Transformation Image

A special highlight during this Webinar
is a brief sound healing sample,
Music for Planetary and
Individual Transformation
created expressly for
PAO by Howard Richman.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 22, 2018

GAWA-5 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation
Webinar 4

Are you being controlled by
events you can't see?

Have you ever wondered why
unexplained dark energies
seemingly take over your
life's path?

Would you like to discover a
way to overpower these dark
energies with the light?

Andrew Downey

Our special guest Andrew
Downey explains how you can
battle the dark forces that
control your urges, feelings
and actions.
You will discover how you can
balance volatile energies to
act in your favor by utilizing
the power of light.

• Explore the interface between your
body and parallel dimensions.
• Discover three critical aspects
that allow you to interact
between dimensions.
• Become aware internally
of this interface.
• Discover what you can do with your
new awareness.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 24, 2018

GAWA-4 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 3 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 3

Includes several video clips
of answers from Sheldan.

Al Harris

To help us transition through
this galactic growth spurt, we
asked our friend,
Al Harris, founder of Bach
Flower Music, to share his
methods of balancing mental
and emotional turmoil. Bach
Flower Music is based on Dr.
Edward Bach's 38
emotional remedies that have
been successfully used for the
last 70+ years.

Regularly, many of you
contact us, expressing the
following concerns:

• How can I alleviate ascension
syndrome symptoms?
• I'm extremely anxious about the
chaos in the world.
• Why do I cry for no
explainable reason?
• How do I stop worrying about paying
my bills each month?
• What do I do when my family laughs at
me or my Galactic beliefs?
• How can I stop fretting and
get a good night's sleep?
• I hate my job, but need the money.
What can I do?
• My life feels empty and
without purpose.

During PAO's May Webinar we
addressed these questions,
and others, you sent in. Al
answered questions about
how music helps
us to move forward patiently
and calmly on our life's path.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 27, 2018

GAWA-3 $13.95 U.S.

Galactic Activation Webinar 2 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 2

Includes several video clips
of answers from Sheldan.

Question Topics Covered:
• The Galactic Federation
• N.E.S.A.R.A.
• Inner Earth
• Tapping Into Heart Logic
• Our Ascended Masters

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 22, 2018

GAWA-2 $13.95 U.S.


Galactic Activation webinar 1 Image

Galactic Activation
Webinar 1

Includes several video clips
of answers from Sheldan.

Question Topics Covered:
• Sheldan and his Recovery
• Dark Cabals
• Abundance
• Escalating Earth Changes
• Technology Transforming Our World
• Ascension
• Understanding Our Timelines

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 25, 2018

GAWA-1 $13.95 U.S.

Sheldan's PAO Webinars

UFO Icon Image

Webinar 91 Image

Webinar 91

Previously, Sheldan has
presented Webinars about GF
members of human origin.
Now, the Galactics would like
us to meet some non-human
species of benevolent beings.

In this Webinar, you will meet
the beings know as Antarians,
who are related to what
humans know as the Praying
Mantis. Prepare yourselves for an intriguing and breathtaking
Webinar journey!

Topics include...
• Description of the Antarian home world - where they come from.
• Physical description and lifestyle.
• Special attributes - masters
of sound and light.
• How they travel
• Antarians' place in the
Galactic Federation
• Their role with Gaia and
our Galactic Future

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 17, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Healing Powers of Antarians
Click Here

WBA-91 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 90 Image

Webinar 90

Conspiracy theories and fake
news are modern terms for
sensationalism that aims to
confuse us and lead us away
from our truth.

Sharpening our abilities to
discern that truth is a crucial
step we can take along the
path to spiritual maturity. In
this Webinar Sheldan helps us
understand ways in which we
can hone our capacity for

Topics include...
• How the Cabals have conditioned
humanity to believe their propaganda
• Religion and how it influences
belief systems.
• Selling out to the power of money.
• Spreading cynicism and fear
through fake news.
• False flag events and their
impact on us
• How to separate truth from lies:
developing insights.
• How we can use the gift of
discernment to prepare for
announcements and the landings
• Discernment leading to full

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 24, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Separating Truth From Lies
Click Here

WBA-90 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 89 Image

Webinar 89

The crucial questions
everyone is asking are:
Why are the Galactics so
focused on money
and prosperity?
Why are they not simply fast-
forwarding their arrival?
Why must we first transition
through abundance and
prosperity programs?

In this Webinar Sheldan
explains why a money
transition phase is necessary
as a first step before
announcements and the
landings can occur.

Topics include...
• Power Corrupts - How the power-
hungry cabal has exploited humanity.
• Debt Slavery - How a money-based
system has kept us in servitude.
• Why the Galactic Federation requires
us to transition through prosperity
programs and abundance.
• Why the Cabals are making it so
difficult for us to financially
move forward.
•Why our current banking system needs
to change to allow prosperity funds
finally to be delivered: a look ahead to
when this can be accomplished.
• What happens during delivery of
prosperity funds and after.
• After the transition phase: when and
how we will be able to travel to Inner Earth and enter our light chambers.
• What will happen to our money and possessions once we become fully
conscious beings of light.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, July 23, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Transition Through Prosperity
Click Here

WBA-89 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 88 Image

Webinar 88

As we inch closer to
disclosure, abundance and
landings, it is important that we
understand the key role
Atlantis has played in
humanity’s destiny.

In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds
light on the many mysteries
that have perpetuated the
Atlantean legend and
bewildered historians
over the years.

Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean
colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia?
Why did they colonize the area now
known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully
conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why
did they align with the dark
Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to
alter humans' DNA and plunge us into
limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and
caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the
UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the
missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to
Atlantis? Does it play a role in our
Galactic futures?

Webinar Date:
Thursday, June 21, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
The Atlantis Legacy
Click Here

WBA-88 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 87 Image

Webinar 87

For thousands of years UFOs
have visited Gaia, creating
controversy among her
inhabitants. Over centuries,
rulers and governments have
gone to extreme lengths to
conceal sightings and to
provoke fear and xenophobia
among their citizens.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
provides an overview of UFO
history on our planet and
explains how we are headed
toward disclosure and
landings ... the key to our
galactic future.

Topics include...
• UFOs: a brief planetary history
• Cover-ups: Conspiracy Theories
and Ridicule
• Fearmongering: Creating Xenophobia
• Sightings
• Disclosure
• Landings: the key to our Galactic future

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 21, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
UFOs and Ascension
Click Here

WBA-87 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 86 Image

Webinar 86

Our path towards full
consciousness has never
been more intense.
Many of us are experiencing
daily episodes of ascension
symptoms. Must we continue
to endure these galactic
growing pains or ...
are we ready now?

Topics include...
• Purpose of ascension - Why now?
• Ascension Symptoms - How to cope
as we transition from 3D to 5D
• The Galactic Federation's role
in ascension
• The Ascended Masters' role
in ascension
• What's left for us to experience before
we ultimately make the shift?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 23, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Divine Change
Click Here

WBA-86 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 85 Image

Webinar 85

For many years, the Galactic
Federation, Ascended Masters
and Earth allies have been
working towards the defeat of
the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why
there have been so many
delays and reveal the GF's
latest plans to overcome the
lingering obstacles created
by the Cabals.

Topics include...
• Who are the Galactic Federation
human first contact team members?
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do
they relentlessly create obstacles?
• Why can't the GF arrive immediately?
Why so many delays?
• What can the GF do now to bring about
the defeat of the Dark Cabals?
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough
to help the GF? Could we do more?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 26, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
 Power of Divine Focus
Click Here

WBA-85 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 84 Image

Webinar 84

Feeling overwhelmed by
today's constant barrage
of fear?

The power of Love can free us
to prepare for announcements
and our shift to full

Topics include...
• Dark Cabal's agenda to
manipulate us with fear
• How our 3D system is
built around fear
• The Galactics: benevolent
beings of Love
• How the Galactics will mentor
us to awaken our Love
• How our Love can overpower fear
and move us toward 5D

Webinar Date:
Thursday, February 23, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
 Mitigating Minions
Click Here

WBA-84 $13.95 U.S.



Webinar 83 Image

Webinar 83

2016 was a roller coaster of a
year, with Brexit, the U.S.
election, escalating wars,
terrorist attacks and false flag
events. More and more,
humanity is being subjected
to global turmoil.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
outlines up-to-the-minute
strategies on how the Galactic
Federation, with our Earth
Allies, is working toward
reversing this chaotic trend.

Topics include...
The Latest Word On
• Abundance: Overcoming Security
and Legal Issues
• New Governance:
The Revolutionary Team
Working through an organic process
• Announcements and Disclosure:
Timing - Are we ready?
How it will affect the awakened
and unawakened.
• Ascension: Update on Ascension
Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity
• What's ahead in 2017

Webinar Date:
Thursday, January 26, 2017

To view YouTube Logo Preview
 Growing in Consciousness
Click Here

WBA-83 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 82 Image

Webinar 82

In recent days, our world
has been witness to
many surprising events.

The U.S. election, in particular,
has profoundly polarized and
disturbed many people.
During this Webinar, Sheldan
takes us behind the scenes for
a glimpse of the election's
aftermath, discuss humanity's
direction and explain where
Gaia is headed next.

Topics include...
• U.S. election: What's next?
• Brexit
• BRICS: An update
• Distribution of Funds: Where
do we stand now?
• Mass arrests: An update
• Announcement team:
Who will they be?
• Right Divine Time: Are we and Gaia
vibrationally ready yet?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 18, 2016

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 Distribution of Funds
Click Here

WBA-82 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 81 Image

Webinar 81

Announcements could be
made at any time!
Are you ready?

Sheldan prepares us for a
new life as we become
fully conscious fifth-
dimensional beings.

Topics include...
After the Announcements - How We Will
Prepare for First Contact

• How NESARA will become global
• Creating worldwide peace
on our planet
• Cleaning up our environment
with new technologies
• Restoring our health with
new healing systems
• Re-educating us about our true
histories and origins
After the Landings
• How we will be prepared for
travel to Inner Earth
• Why Inner Earth? And who will
be going to ships?
• Working with our mentors - who they
are and what they will teach us
• What we will do in 5D as fully
conscious beings - work -
leisure - rituals, etc.
• Earth's role as a star-nation and GF
member - our roles within it

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 20, 2016

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 New Medical Technologies
Click Here

WBA-81 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 80 Image

Webinar 80

The time for full disclosure
is drawing closer.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
shows how current events are
unfolding that will culminate in
this long-anticipated moment.

Topics include...
• The latest Galactic perspective
on world events
• Our current drive for disclosure
• The art of discernment
• On the brink of a new reality: Why we
feel torn between dimensions
• Reconnecting to Gaia's 5D grids
• Life in a Galactic society:
How it will transform us

Webinar Date:
Thursday, October 27, 2016

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Merging Earth Grids
Click Here

WBA-80 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 79 Image

Webinar 79

It is vital that we understand
how to process these multi-
dimensional frequencies.
Doing so will free us to
gracefully navigate
our way onward to full

Topics include...
• What are dimensions & realities?
• How we constantly create our reality
by playing on the grids.
• Understanding our three
forces of nature.
• Is the 5th dimension a hologram too?
• Duality versus oneness: learning
who we are.
• Our quantum leap in consciousness:
what it means.
• Why all planets and suns are hollow
(debunking the "flat Earth" theory)
• Participating in the true evolution
of our humanity.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 25, 2016

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Divine Light & Holograms
Click Here

WBA-79 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 78 Image

Webinar 78

In this Webinar, you will learn
the key role the Arcturians
play in our understanding
of time and its role in
releasing the divine plan
to this galaxy.

Integral to their sacred
essence is the art of healing,
as they enlighten us in the
ways of harmony and the
reciprocal joys of compassion.

Topics include...
• Arcturian Solar System and
Description of Home Worlds
• Arcturians: Physical Description
• Arcturian Ships
• Arcturus’ Role in Creating an
Expanded Galactic Federation
• Arcturians: Creators of the Galactic
Federation's Revised Medical
Team Program.
• Special Arcturian Update on Our
Ascension Symptoms
• What the Arcturians Teach Us about
Divine Comfort and Divine Nurturing
• Their role with Gaia and our
Galactic Future

Webinar Date:
Thursday, August 25, 2016

To view YouTube Logo Preview
 Supa and Her Fellow Arcturians
Click Here

WBA-78 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 77 Image

Webinar 77

We are a diverse population of
7 + billion Souls. Each of us
requires personal mentoring
to prepare us for our own
individual, unique crystal Light
Chamber. These Light
Chambers are designed to
gracefully return us to our
True Selves ~ fully conscious
Beings of Light.

In this Webinar the Galactics,
through Sheldan, will take us
through all the steps needed
to prepare us for this
transformational experience.

Topics include...
• New Governance - Announcements -
• Mentoring to prepare us for
the Light Chambers
• Relocating to Inner Earth
A description of each day in the Light
• Day 1 • Day 2 • Day 3
• Mentors to train us in using
our full consciousness
• Discovering our future roles as fully
conscious beings

Webinar Date:
Thursday, July 21, 2016

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 Our Galactic Mentors
Click Here

WBA-77 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 76 Image

Webinar 76

The Galactic Federation has
overhauled their strategies
for defeating the stubborn
cabals. During this Webinar,
Sheldan and the GF will share
their latest plans with us.

Topics include...
• Recap: What is the Galactic Federation
and why did they come to Gaia?
• How are the GF and Earth Allies'
new strategies defeating
the belligerent cabal?
• How will the GF and Earth Allies
speed up their plans for
distributing monies and implementing
new governments?
• What are the latest plans
for disclosure?
• Why must the GF rely on Earth Allies?
Why can't they immediately implement
mass landings and remove the
cabals so we can move towards
full consciousness?
• What is the role of the Ascended
Masters in this operation?
• What are the Agarthans presently
doing to help the GF?
• What can we as Light Workers do right
now to help the Galactic Federation?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 19, 2016

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 Awakening Our Potential
Click Here

WBA-76 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 75 Image

Webinar 75

As part of our next steps
toward full consciousness,
we will need to intergrate
our divine feminine and
masculine energies.

In this Webinar the Galactics
help Sheldan explain
how we can tap into and
balance this vital energy.

Topics include...
• Reviving the Divine Feminine
• Re-evaluating Divine Masculine
• Understanding the Anunnaki's myths
surrounding the Feminine & Masculine
• Balancing divine feminine and
masculine energies ~ Preparing us
for full consciousness
• How the Galactics are balanced
with these energies
• Discover how we can tap into this
energy to become more balanced
• How our galactic Mentors will help us
to become integrated galactic Humans

Webinar Date:
Sunday, May 22, 2016

To view YouTube Logo Preview
 Reviving the Divine Feminine
Click Here

WBA-75 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 74 Image

Webinar 74

Divine timing is the universal
clock, of which we and our
planet are a part.
It cannot be hurried, and
we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the
opportunity to work together.
With positive intent, we can
collectively help to change
this reality.

Topics include...
• Understanding the nature of
3D vs 5D time
• Enduring frequent time delays:
Learning to trust the process
• Understanding the Divine Order:
Divine Time for... Announcements -
Disclosure - Landings - Mentoring
• Doing our part: Working together to
prepare ourselves as we await
our reality shift.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 24, 2016

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3D vs 5D Time
Click Here

WBA-74 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 73 Archive Image

Webinar 73

Understanding the process
of transitioning from our 3D
world to a 5D world of
full consciousness.

Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change:
co-operation and collaboration
with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks
and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness:
importance of shifting the
meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we
transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires
by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan
for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does
that mean to you?

Webinar Date:
Thursday, March 24, 2016

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Growth of Consciousness
Click Here

WBA-73 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 72 Image

Webinar 72

We are on the brink of receiving
prosperity funds as we unite in a
great shift of our current
debt slavery system. In this live
Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the
Galactic Federation, explains
what is to happen to us, during and
after funds are delivered, to prepare
us for the coming changes.

Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be
delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive
prosperity funds? 3rd-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve
to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and
bankers? To corporations and
their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government
be formed?
What will happen to the people currently
running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be
released in conjunction with
the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be
available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds?
How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be
until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?

Webinar Date:
Thursday, February 25, 2016

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End of Debt Slavery
Click Here

WBA-72 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 71 Archive Image

Webinar 71

The Cetaceans are fully
conscious beings. They are in
touch with their divine selves,
and communicate with the
Spiritual Hierarchies and the
Galactic Federation of Light.

In this Webinar, you will learn
where they come from
and their special purpose
for inhabiting Gaia.

Topics include...
• Their origins
• Types of Cetaceans
• How they came to Gaia
• Where else they exist other than Gaia
• Their mission on Earth
• Cetaceans and their connection
with humans
• What happens to Cetaceans
after the landings

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 24, 2016

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Aquatic Cetaceans
Click Here

WBA-71 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 70

During this Webinar
Sheldan explains how the
Andromedans will propel us
towards our Galactic
spiritual scientific future

Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest
Confederation in Galactic
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~
origins for Earth’s brown, yellow
and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual
Scientists ~ Innovators for
most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal
Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships
in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan
Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE
OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy

Webinar Date:
Sunday, December 20, 2015

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Andromedans' Origins
Click Here

WBA-70 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 69 Image

Webinar 69

In his youth, Sheldan was
educated by the Sirians, who
prepared him to be a herald of
the Galactic Federation.

During this Webinar he
explains why they are so
pivotal in advancing us
towards our Galactic future.

Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians.
• The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the
Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after
the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and
our Galactic Future

Webinar Date:
Sunday, November 22, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
My Sirian Education
Click Here

WBA-69 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 67 Image

Webinar 68

In this extra special Update
Webinar, Sheldan explains
what is happening to Gaia
and all of us right now!

Topics include...
• How the Galactic Core
Energies are affecting us
• Gaia's current ascension symptoms -
mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option - the New You
and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate
our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe
rewards action!)

Webinar Date:
Sunday, October 18, 2015

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Our Shifting Reality
Click Here

WBA-68 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 67 Image

Webinar 67

Like a collapsing house of
cards, our 3D world is
teetering and about to topple.

With our awakening
perceptions of reality, we are
now able to help the Galactics
even more. Discover how the
'new you' is assisting in the
acceleration of our
consciousness shift.

Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering
your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is
changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no
longer good enough
• A new science is transforming
our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 27, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Divine Reality & Prosperity
Click Here

WBA-67 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 66 Image

Webinar 66

The Pleiadeans played, and
are playing, a key role
in the future of GAIA
and Humanity.

This Webinar will reveal why
they originally came here and
how they will help us all to
become galactic humans.

Topics include...
• Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters
of Taurus .
• Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda
and Lyra
• Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet
as it looks today
• 12 Clans of the Pleiades
• Gaia's History: Galactic wars, the
Anunnaki and more
• Pleiadeans' role in the Galactic
• Our joint Galactic Future

Webinar Date:
Thursday, August 27, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Pleiadeans and Synesthesia
Click Here

WBA-66 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 65 Image

Webinar 65

Usually, when PAO prepares a
Webinar, we know in advance
what the topics will be. But in
July’s unique Live Webinar, for
the very first time, the Galactic
Federation transmitted to
Sheldan, instantaneously,
a fluid Galactic report
on our progress.

The GF tuned in to our
collective needs, and Sheldan
translated their message to us.

You will learn how our light
body integrations are being
accelerated, and be given
new information on the
abundance program.

Webinar Date:
Thursday, July 30, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Redefining Prosperity
Click Here

WBA-65 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 64

Galactic energy flows
continuously, assisting in
raising our vibrations.
It is a gift that intensifies our
potential for more
synchronistic moments.

In this Webinar Sheldan
explains how we can use this
heightened energy to prepare
us for full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting
with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~
Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy
with divine energy

Webinar Date:
Thursday, June 30, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Click Here

WBA-64 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 63 Image

Webinar 63

The Galactic Federation has
informed the PAO that the
energies we created during
our last couple of Webinars are growing in a most positive
way and they are pleased.
They encourage us to keep
the momentum going.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
outlines ways for us to carry on
this momentum as we await
abundance, announcements
and disclosure.

Topics include...
• Making sense of the unexplained:.
• Tipping the scales ~ taming the Cabal.
• How the rising consciousness is
affecting our global society.
• How we can cope while becoming
Galactic Humans.
• Why so many delays
and strategy changes?
• Getting ready for a Quantum
Leap in Consciousness.

Webinar Date:
Thursday, May 21, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Sacred Divine Reality
Click Here

WBA-63 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 62 Image

Webinar 62

So many of us, now, are
struggling with the meaning of
time. We wonder when, at long
last, the Earth Allies will
distribute the abundance
money so we can take the first
steps in our joyful journey
toward full consciousness.

In this Webinar, Sheldan brings
us the latest information on
current abundance timelines
and explains how we are
gradually overcoming the
obstacles put in place
by the dark cabals.

Topics include...
• Timing - Why the GF must be cautious
• Dark Cabal - Cause of Delays
• Earth Allies & Secret Societies -
Their mission
• Abundance Program - Funding and
testing the new system
• The role of NESARA
• The BRICS countries ~
Alternative to the cabal
• Need for patience: 3D time vs 5D time
• A new society - A new GAIA

Webinar Date:
Thursday, April 23, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
BRICS & Prosperity
Click Here

WBA-62 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 61 Image

Webinar 61

In this singular time of human
history, spirituality and
science are in the process
of converging into a
new paradigm.

In this Webinar, you will
learn the role science
plays in merging with our path
to full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking
the Matrix using Spiritual Science
• Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The
science of miracles
• The New Harmonics tap
into the World of Spirit
• Look to nature for answers
• Understanding what we
can't see or prove
• How we will benefit from new
(Lemurian) Science

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 22, 2015

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Spiritual Wisdom
Click Here

WBA-61 $13.95 U.S.

Love Image Webinar 60

Webinar 60

Divine Love, Light
and Creation

In this Webinar, Sheldan talks
about love as a unique energy
and the life force that drives
our ascension process.

Topics include...
• The real meaning of Divine Love
• AEON and Divine Creation ~
We are in the 6th Creation
• Defining Spiritual and
Physical Creations
• Dark Love ~ Limited
Consciousness in Action
• The real purpose of karma
and the Akashic Records
• Love returns us to Joy ~
Our natural state of Being

Webinar Date:
Thursday, February 26, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Divine Love
Click Here

WBA-60 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 59 Image

Webinar 59

The Galactics asked Sheldan
to present this very special
Webinar. It will prepare us for
2015, which ushers in a new
epoch for humanity.

Topics include...
• Why humans were selected
as Gaia's guardians.
• Battle between Atlantis and Lemuria.
• Why were we created?
• How were we created?
• Rise of the Anunnaki.
• How the legacy of the past
affects our present.
• Realizing the heavenly
prophecy of Michael.
• 2015 and beyond ~ a new
epoch for humanity.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 18, 2015

To view YouTube Logo Preview
We are Galactic Beings
Click Here

WBA-59 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 58 Image

Webinar 58

After the landings, those of us
who are currently incarnated
on Earth will relocate to Inner
Earth, another planet in this
solar system, or travel to
another star system.

In this Webinar we will learn
about the new places we will
go and what our possible roles
will be in Galactic Society.

Topics include...
• Inner Earth
• Venus
• Mars
• Maldec
• Travelling beyond our solar system
• Life within a planet
• Keeping a planet's surface pristine
• Our future roles as Galactic Humans

Webinar Date:
Thursday, December 18, 2014

To view YouTube Logo Preview
Planets & Gravity
Click Here

WBA-58 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 57 Image

Webinar 57

Considering the extent of
cabal corruption on Earth,
many wonder why Gaia became
the object of the Galactics'
attention and concern.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
examines the reasons Gaia
came to be a key to this
Galaxy's shift in

Topics include...
• Why Earth/Gaia is a key
water planet in this galaxy
• Why Earth/Gaia?
Considering the levels of cabal
corruption, why did Heaven choose us?

The Gaia Cetacean Human Connection
• Gaia and Humans I: Together, we are
raising each other's vibrations
• Gaia and Humans II: Why are we
almost ready for first contact?
• Gaia's Secret Sacred Societies
• Gaia's Earth Allies
• What are our current roles as
• Gaia: a pristine and exquisite new
world after the landings

Webinar Date:
Thursday, November 20, 2014

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Webinar 56 Image

Webinar 56

We are evolving back
to oneness!

Each member of the Galactic
Federation brings a specific
skill to their role in the first
contact process. In this
Webinar, Sheldan presents the
various GF first contact team
members and describes how
they will assist us in our shift
to full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Who was King Atlas?
Where did he go wrong?
• Are we repeating the
last days of Atlantis?
• Decoding Current Events ~ political
and economic realities
• Galactic Federation Members ~ their
key roles and how they are helping us
• Agarthans are walking among us ~
what is their role?
• Returning to Unity Consciousness
(Returning to Oneness)

Webinar Date:
Thursday, October 30, 2014

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Galactic Federation Member Roles
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WBA-56 $13.95 U.S.


Webinar 55 Image

Webinar 55

Lightworkers - Starseeds are
experiencing unprecedented
bouts of health changes. This
is a sure sign that the galactics
are readying usfor an imminent
shift. It is happening now, and
we as wayshowers are in
the midst of changing
our vibrations.

Coping with this preparation
requires cosmic common
sense. This Webinar will help
us develop a true
understanding of how the
Ascension process is
preparing us vibrationally so
that we can attain the galactic
frequency we need to
move ahead.

Topics include...
• Shedding our Ancestral Baggage
• The Battle between Head vs Heart: Trusting our Heart Logic
• Experiencing Awakenedness:
Dealing Sensibly with 3D
• Creating Realistic Expectations: We are a reflection of our readiness
• The role of the Galactic Federation: Medical Teams and us
• Cosmic Healing
• Are we ready?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, September 21, 2014

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Head vs Heart Logic
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WBA-55 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 54

The most anticipated event in our quest for higher consciousness is the announcement and arrival of
the Galactic Federation.

Topics include...
• How disclosure will affect our
societies, religious beliefs,
scientific theories...
• When, and how, disclosure
announcements will be made.
• Why E.Ts are benevolent and not
here to colonize earth.
• Off-world technologies we are using
now and will be using in the future.
• What must happen before full
disclosure is possible.
• The rise of a new economic system.

Webinar Date:
Sunday, August 24, 2014

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Road to Disclosure
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WBA-54 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 53 Archive Image

Webinar 53

Sheldan talks about Ascension:
what it is...
its implications for humanity...
and how we arebeing prepared
for a transformative shift in

Topics include...
• What is Ascension?
• Why Ascension now?
• Ascension and Our Reality Shift
• Ascension Syndrome
• Why Individual Light Chambers
are Needed
• Why We Need to be Mentored
• Joys of being Fully Conscious

Webinar Date:
Thursday, July 24, 2014

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What is Consciousness?
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WBA-53 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 52 Archive

Webinar 52

Every person on this planet is
a victim of 3D conditioning.
By amplifying and playing on
our fears, the cabal
systematically seeks to
program us into conforming
to their agenda.

Sheldan will help us
understand our conditioning
cocoon and show us how
to break free.

Topics include...
• The Politics of Deception
versus NESARA
• Transforming Corporate control
and Bank Fraud
• Media Conditioning: T.V.,
Internet, Entertainment
• GMOs: Contaminating the land,
crops and organic farms
• Education: Watering down knowledge
while dumbing down schooling
• The Ascended Masters and
the Quiet Revolution
• How We can Shed our
3D Conditioning

Webinar Date:
Thursday, June 26, 2014

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Connect with True Self
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WBA-52 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 51 Archive Image

Webinar 51

Our Sun, Earth, and Moon
each project special energies
that influence us as we
prepare for ascension and
full consciousness.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
describes the nature of these
powerful forcesand explains
how we can use them to
our advantage.

Topics include...
Sun: The Sun as a Heavenly Body (Star)
Sun Spots – Solar Flares
Truth about Global Warming
Earth: Meridians – Grids
Sacred Sites - Stewardship
Moon: Its Purpose – Moon Phases
Tides – What is the Moon?
• Sun • Earth • Moon and our
Ascension Process
••• How We can Tap into this Energy

Webinar Date:
Thursday, May 29, 2014

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Energy Meditation
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WBA-51 $13.95 U.S.

PAO Webinar 50 Image

Webinar 50

Sheldan explores the
dramatic events around
us and uncovers clues about
imminent change

Topics include...
• Hugely Destructive Earthquakes
• Collapsing Economies
• More UFO Sightings
• Odd Climate Changes
• The New Psychic Children
• Growing Power of the Internet
• Hints of Disclosure

Webinar Date:
Sunday, April 27, 2014

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Future Earth
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WBA-50 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 49 Archive

Webinar 49

Sheldan shares his
experiences aboard
motherships and with his
many contacts with the
Galactic Federation.

Topics include...
• Aboard the Mothership:
The Sirians and I
• How I First Learned about
My Future Mission
• My Current Mentors and Contacts
• Spiritual Love in Galactic Society
• The First Contact Mission Today
• Where We Stand Now

Webinar Date:
Sunday, March 23, 2014

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My Galactic Training
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WBA-49 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 48 Image

Webinar 48

How conscious are
we at present?
How far have we come since
the Galactics began upgrading
our DNA and Chakra systems?
Are we ready yet?

Topics include...
• What is full consciousness?
• How long will it take before we are vibrationally ready for this encounter?
• Who will our mentors be? How will
they work with us?
• How will the Galactic Federation
and Ascended Masters
announce their arrival?
• Will there come a point when the
Galactic Federation
and Ascended Masters
force the Cabals to give up their hold on
us? Will they simply come, ready or not?
• Who will our mentors be?
How will they work with us?
• What should we do now, as we await
announcements, disclosure and
our mentors?

Webinar Date:
Sunday, February 23, 2014

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Mentoring Consciousness
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WBA-48 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 47 Archive Image

Webinar 47

In recent years, weather
patterns have escalated,
becoming more and more
extreme. What will this
mean for humanity?

Topics include...
• Global Warming:
The truth behind the propaganda
• Extreme Weather:
Snow in the Middle East - Severe floods
- Hurricanes /Typhoons
Ice Storms - More droughts -
Change in Wind Flows
• Chemtrails: How they are
used against humanity.
• Sun's pole reversal
- Earth'spole reversal
• Earthquakes - Volcanic Eruptions -
Melting Ice Caps .- Rising of the Seabed
• Effects of Pollutants: Fossil Fuels - Fracking - Microwave Radiation
• How are we to survive these
escalating earth changes?
• 2014: The wonders that are next

Webinar Date:
Sunday, January 19, 2014

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Gaia's Pole Shift
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WBA-47 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 46 Image

Webinar 46

Sheldan explains the many
levels of energy that power
our physical and spiritual
realms and are propelling our
shift into full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Spiritual and Etheric Energy - Auras
• Emotional Energy - Mental Energy (right brain - left brain)
• Magnetic Energy - Planetary Energy (Gaia's Energy)
• Solar Energy
• Zero Point Energy - Propulsion Energy
• How do these energies affect us?
• How can we manage our energies
both in daily life and as we
approach Ascension?
• Energy is the Power for Change
and for Transformation

Webinar Date:
Thursday, December 19, 2013

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Soul Energy
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WBA-46 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 45 Image

Webinar 45

In this Webinar Sheldan
discusses how we as
Starseeds are working in the
front lines and leading the way
towards becoming fully
conscious Galactic Humans.

Topics include....
• The role of Starseeds –
Understanding our missions:
- Before the announcements
- After the announcements
• Leading the way in a changing reality:
- Why and how so few Starseeds
can achieve so much
• Viscerally tapping into our
ancestral memories:
- Feeling the anguish of our ancestors
who long ago were stripped of
full consciousness
• Strengthening our resolve while
coping with ascension syndrome
• Working together: As a collective,
we must hold the intent

Webinar Date:
Thursday, November 21, 2013

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Starseeds are Wayshowers
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WBA-45 $13.95 U.S.

First Contact Fleet Webinar 44

Webinar 44

When the landings arrive,
many of us will be invited
to visit spaceships.
Once aboard, we will be
shown many intriguing
aspects of galactic life.

In this Webinar, Sheldan
gives us a preview of what
those visits will be like.

Topics include....
• What types of ships comprise the
fleet and how do they travel
throughout space?
• Sizes and shapes of the ship’s fleet -
typical interiors and what they look like
• What are the differences between
sentient and non-sentient ships?
• What kind of energy or vibrations
do these ships emanate?
• Who make up the personnel onboard
and what do they typically do?
How do they travel around the ship?
• How many ships will be visiting us
during first contact and what is their
purpose in coming?
• Why will scoutships be sent here
when first contact begins?
• If we visit ships, how will our 3D
energy levels be adapted so we can go
aboard comfortably?
• Will some of us go directly to the fleet
instead of Inner Earth to be mentored
into full consciousness?

Webinar Date:
Thursday, October 24, 2013

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Ship Propulsion Systems
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WBA-44 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 43 Archive Image

Webinar 43

A host of events must unfold before the reality shift
can be fully manifested. By working together as partners,
we are bringing ever closer the moment when each
event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.

The divine partners:
Spiritual Hierarchy
Galactic Federation
Ascended Masters
Secret Sacred Society
(Earth Allies) - Agarthans
Gaia - Humans

Topics include....
• How we are working together.
• Why has it taken so long
to coordinate the shift?
• What can we do now to help
make it happen?
• What happens to us before and during, the Announcements?
• What happens to us after,
the Announcements?
• How can we be more patient
while we wait?

Webinar Date:
Thursday, September 26, 2013

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Power of Divine Partnership
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WBA-43 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 42 Image

Webinar 42

In this Webinar, Sheldan
discusses how the Ascended
Masters are supporting us in
our transition to ascension
and the actualization of
our true destiny.

Topics include....
• Who are the Ascended Masters?
• How are they assisting the
Galactic Federation?
• Ascended Masters and our
Spiritual Destiny:
How they are bringing our
compass back to its true direction
• Fulfilling Our Roles in Gaia's
Spiritual Revolution

Webinar Date:
Thursday, August 29, 2013

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Ascended Masters
Click Here

WBA-42 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 41 Image

Webinar 41

Sheldan discusses humanity's
true purpose and how we are
realizing our life's contracts
at this extraordinary moment
in Gaia's history.

Topics include....
• Where we come from
• Why we are here - our roles/missions
• Our Guardian Angels and Guides - how they assist us
• Why Earth is so special in this galaxy
• A unique moment in galactic time

Webinar Date:
Thursday, July 25, 2013

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Starseeds as Boosters
for Humanity

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WBA-41 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 40 Image

Webinar 40

In this Webinar Sheldan
updates us on the events that
must intervene before we can
be ready for first contact.

Topics include....
• Recent events pushing
first contact forward
• The Agarthans and first contact
• Growing chaos of dark cabal's war with Galactic Federation
• Weather changes resulting from dark cabal's battle with Galactic Federation
• Ending the fear: exposing
the UFO Cover-Up
• First contact - key to our new reality
• Shifting first contact scenarios

Webinar Date:
Sunday, June 23, 2013

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First Contact is Imminent
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WBA-40 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 39 Image

Webinar 39

Sheldan discusses global
events and how we can help
reset the energies for our
coming new reality.

Topics include....
• Our False Economy – How we
are being fed lies
• Growing the New Economy
• BRICSI Countries – What they
are currently doing
• False Flag Events – How we
arebeing fed fear
• How Can We Discern the Truth from Media Propaganda?
• Time to Recommit to Our Purpose:
Meditation to Set the Energy
for a New Reality
• We are not alone!

Webinar Date:
Thursday, May 23, 2013

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A Refocusing Meditation
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WBA-39 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 38 Archive Image

Webinar 38

In this Webinar, Sheldan
outlines how sacred geometry
and Gaia's sacred energy
sites are helping us to
move forward in the
ascension process.

Topics include....
• The Divine Elements of Creation:
Light + Love = Matter
• Earth's Sacred Crystalline Geometry:
Grids and Portals - Planetary Gates - Earth Chakras
• Pyramids Long Ago -
Light Chambers Now
• How Gaia's Sacred Energies are Helping Prepare Us for Ascension

Webinar Date:
Thursday, April 25, 2013

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Earth's Sacred
Crystalline Geometry

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WBA-38 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 37 Archive Image

Webinar 37

Sheldan answers
your many questions
about the Agarthans

Topics include...
• The Agarthans:
Origins, Society and Customs
• Cities: Crystal and Others
• Inner Earth’s Importance to us
• Our Agarthan and
Galactic Federation Mentors
• Metamorphosis Light Chambers: Why are they needed and are they safe?
• Agarthans’ galactic society versus
our future one
• Final overview: Dispelling the
negative viewpoints

Webinar Date:
Thursday, March 28, 2013

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Hollow Earth
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WBA-37 $13.95 U.S.

Resetting Our Solar System Image

Webinar 36

Water planet Earth, a jewel in
our solar system and galaxy,
plays a very important role
in the energy of creation.

In this Webinar, Sheldan discusses how Earth
and our solar system
will be reset when we shift
to full consciousness.

• The Water planets.
• Earth's place in our galaxy.
• Restoring Pax/Asteroid Belt
• What about Nibiru?
• The non-Water planets and their roles.
• The Sun: Importance in galaxy -
Solar flares.
• The Moon: Is it real or man made?
• What about Pluto?
• What other planets will we live on?
• Our solar system and how it is tied into
full consciousness.

Webinar Date:
Thursday, February 28, 2013

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Earth’s Origins
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WBA-36 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 35 Image

Webinar 35

Do you feel forgetful, exhausted, irritable,
disoriented or out-of-sorts?
Do you feel as if one foot is in
3D and the other in 5D?
Do you question when we will finally be vibrationally ready for this transition?

If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from dimensional fatigue.

Topics include...

• Walking between Two Dimensions
(3-D and 5-D)
• Latest Adjustments to our DNA
and our Chakras
• How the New Head Chakras Operate
• Galactic Medical Teams and
How They Work With Us
• Physical Ailments Induced by our Constant Adjustments
• Adjusting our Rising Vibrations (Toward First Contact)
• The Ever-Shifting New 5-D Reality

Webinar Date:
Thursday, January 31, 2013

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Body Healing Meditation
Click Here

WBA-35 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 34

Webinar 34

The Great Galactic Year...
marked the resetting of
time for the Light to
rise once again

Topics include...
• Significance of the Mayan Calendar
• Dark versus Light
• Why the time collapse is a boost
for the Light, giving the dark
no room to maneuver
• What is the significance of this time?
• How will it affect Gaia and Humanity?
• After December 21, what's next?
• Our Collapsing Timelines:
the process explained

Webinar Date:
Thursday, December 20, 2012

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Converging Time
Click Here

WBA-34 $13.95 U.S.

Webinar 33

Webinar 33

Sheldan answers your many questions about Galactic Federation Members

Topics include...
• Why have so many GF members
come to earth?
• What are they doing to assist us?
• Human Members: What are they like?
• Non-human Members:
What are they like?
• Who will meet us first when
the landings come?
• Which GF members will mentor us?
• Will some GF members stay here
after we are fully conscious?
• What will happen to the dark cabals?
• Gaia becomes pristine again

Webinar Date:
Thursday, November 29, 2012

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First Contactees
Need to be Human

Click Here

WBA-33 $13.95 U.S.

Why are live Webinars so important?

The purpose of these live Webinars is to bring together at the same time as many people as possible to share a common energy and hold the light. More and more, it is essential that we as Light Workers not feel alone or isolated and that we connect with like-minded others: during each live Webinar, we are able to join together to collectively bring about the necessary world changes that will lead to our becoming fully conscious Galactic humans.

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