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Member Name: The Great Star Union of Centaurus.

Accepted into the Galactic Federation: 1.1 million years ago.

Location: The Constellation of Centaurus is located between the constellations of Lupus and Vela. It is best known for its brightest star, the triple star system of Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kentaurus). One of its triple stars is Proximi Centauri, which, at 4.3 Light Years, is the closest known star to Earth.

Distance From Earth: 4.3 to over 1,000 Light Years.

Life Form Type: A humanoid and a reptoid species.

Physical Appearance: The humanoid Centaurian closely resembles those humans now found on Earth. The male is very muscular and well-proportioned with blonde, brown, black or red hair. The eyes are either slightly Asian in shape, or are rounded, and are brown, black, blue, green or hazel in color. In height, males vary from nearly 6 feet to almost 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters). Their skin color can be either a very dark brown or a slightly tanned white color. The female is also well-proportioned but less muscular, and ranges from 5 feet 5 inches to almost 7 feet (1.65 to 2.1 meters) tall.

The reptoid Centaurian has a very scaly lizard-like and muscular body. Its skin color is in patches of either green and blue, or red and green. The hands are narrower than a human’s and contain six digits which end in a razor-sharp, curved claw. The eyes are rounded and bulging with a reptoid-like vertical slit, and are either bright red or golden in color. There is no tail, but the feet have five long toes ending in the same curved claw. The female, at just under 8 feet (2.4 meters), is slightly taller.

Special Traits and Abilities: Centaurians are known for their abilities as great strategists and Federation Liaison Counselors. They excel at bringing groups of diverse sentient Beings together and at achieving their goals in a most peaceful and harmonious manner.

Average Amount of Sleep Needed: 2 to 4 hours.

Language: Humanoid language is quite guttural like German, but tonal-sounding like Chinese. Reptoid language is extremely guttural and filled with sounds that are difficult for most humans to replicate.

Mother Ship and Other Craft: Centaurians have two types of ships visible in Earth’s skies. The first ship is an all-purpose scout. It is bell-shaped, with a large lens-like circular wing attached to its underside. It is about 45 feet (14 meters) in diameter, and nearly 30 feet (9.1 meters) in height. The second is a command ship, shaped like a cigar with a small bulge in its middle, and is approximately 200 feet (over 60 meters)
in length.

To learn more about Galactic Federation Members read Sheldan's book Your Galactic Neighbors: To order: Click Here